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How I Found MCSG


District 13
Jun 24, 2013
Reaction score
Hey guys,

Lots of my friends were wondering how I found MCSG and started playing it. So, I decided to make a thread about it :D

Back in June 2012, I watched the Hunger Games movie (Yes, I watched it very late), and I loved it! After a few months, my friends always kept on talking about this game called "Minecraft" during lunch. I decided to join in on the conversation (cuz i haz nu oder frends :() and learned more about Minecraft. When I got home from school that day, I did my homework (cuz i is asian ;)) and I went on the computer to look up a game so called Minecraft. I looked at some videos, made by X, and it looked pretty cool. I went on the Minecraft website, and found out that I had to BUY a Minecraft account. So, that's when I decided not to play Minecraft. Yet.

I eventually got bored, and had nothing to do, so I went on Minecraft and figured out that you could play by yourself in single player! (Forever Alone) I decided to start playing Minecraft Single Player, until I could convince my parents to buy me a Minecraft account.

It was really fun playing Minecraft Single Player, but I REALLY wanted to play Multiplayer too. So, I asked my friends who DID have Minecraft accounts, and asked if they could come over to my house so I could try Multiplayer. One of my friends came over, and they showed me how to play multiplayer. He told me about servers, and how they were the places where people played on. I searched for a lot of servers, but none of them interested me. My friend then told me that there is a kind of server called a PvP server where people kill each other. I liked that. I searched up some PvP servers, and there was this server, called mc-hg.org. It was a Hunger Games server. I figured it was related to Hunger Games, so I decided to play it. It was fun as hell. Since it was fun, I decided to look up more Hunger Games servers, and later noticed that in Minecraft, they called it Survival Games. I looked up on Google: Minecraft Survival Games. I then found a link, that said something similar to: The Official Minecraft Hunger Games Style Servers. I went on the website to check it out, and played a few games. I automatically fell in love with the servers. I played on it ever since, then I eventually got myself an account named CandyCranium.

And that, my friends, is how I found MCSG.



Feb 2, 2013
Reaction score
I found MCSG by Watching AntVenom play Survival Games 1 than googled MCSG and found thhs


District 13
Jul 8, 2012
Reaction score
MCSG was my first multiplayer server. About a year and a half ago I started playing. Ingot it from AntVenoms Survival games 1 POV


District 13
Jun 24, 2013
Reaction score
MCSG was my first server and IS my only server. I play on MCSG mainly, and sometimes Project Ares and MCMinigames.

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