What did she do to you to provoke such hate? I never saw a attack on you personally. And if you're going to whine about followers (I don't know why you would do that?) Then I have 60 more than you. But unfortunately, they mean absolutely squat except you're known around the community or you have friends on MCSG. And about the nice thing, I admit her response can be a bit brass and rude at times, but to be fair Toe knees comment was literally just spam and had no real meaning besides perhaps trolling or the allusion of being funny.
What the crap does that even mean?
Either way, don't talk about VIP like just because they want it, they won't build good enough. I seem to remember an old thing called the PMC competition, where people built maps for a chance for VIP and a chance for the map to be on the server (Among other things: Games and stoof ). People worked their butts off. Now, I know she wants VIP, everyone does, it carries a weight around the server that many other ranks don't. It makes you feel important, like you accomplished something big. If she makes a good map, then damn well give her VIP, she earned it. And don't insult her for wanting it. Sometimes a prize can motivate people more than anything in the world.