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Story of my Life


Jun 2, 2013
Reaction score
Well, I am mostly known as missmoll7. It didn't start out that way. I didn't actually hear about minecraft until I was 12. Everyone is my school was always talking about it. So I decided to try it. I was never a spoiled rich kid, so i didn't really have a lot of money. It took me a lot of convincing to get my parents to buy me Minecraft.

But that isn't until later. I was born In Houston, Texas and then moved to California when I was 1 and a half. My dad risked everything to start a school and I was in that school all the way up to eighth grade. i guess that I can share 1 story about my fun there. When I was in second grade, my friend and I needed to use the restroom really bad. The other restrooms were full, so we used the faculty bathroom. We hung out there for a while because we thought it was "cool." Then, about ten minute into our adventures in the bathroom we decided to teepee it. If you don't know what that is, it's basically getting all the toilet paper you have and throwing it everywhere. That was really quite fun actually. Then our teacher was wondering where the heck we were, so she came and checked. When she came in she saw the mess and we got sent to the principal's office. My dad, being in charge of the school, was the principal. So we went to him. I was really scared because I had never done this before, and so was my partner in crime. I then got around to sixth grade and all of my friends were talking about minecraft. I had a sleepover that weekend with an addict of it. We decided to play it and I sucked like hell. We actually played MCSG and the MCSG were the very first servers I played. Before that, I played on fyregames, which was owned by MCSG. It got shutdown for some reason but I enjoyed it. Then I realized it was connected to MCSG. (wouldn't you guess) We played MCSg for a while and I got my first win on Sg 1 and that gave me my love for Minecraft, and for MCSG. Then i thought I could get the game. So i take a while saving up and after 1 month I get 10 dollars. I ask my parents if they will pay for the other half of it. Fortunately, they agreed and i got minecraft. I joined my first server and played on it for 2 months, then thy promoted me to Moderator. I didn't know much, but the Owner was really kind and taught me a lot. I learned all the commands for staff members and for administrators. Then I thought it would be cool if I started my own server. it was much harder than i thought, but with a little help from YouTube, anything is possible.

So I make my server, and my friend and I get plugins and such. We got an average of 50 people each day. But it was very laggy because I didn't have a host for the server. So I had to shut down the server. After that i played on a few other servers, and surprised them with my capabilities and got staff on those as well. Then I remembered that I liked MCSG. Then, suddenly, my Dad got a new job in Georgia. and this is pretty recent. So we are going to move there next summer and go to a school which he will be the head of. I'm very excited for that. That is pretty much it so far. There are a few other humorous stories that I may tell some other time. I have a MCSG application posted and hope it gets accepted.

Thank you for reading!


Jun 2, 2013
Reaction score
Well, I am mostly known as missmoll7. It didn't start out that way. I didn't actually hear about minecraft until I was 12. Everyone is my school was always talking about it. So I decided to try it. I was never a spoiled rich kid, so i didn't really have a lot of money. It took me a lot of convincing to get my parents to buy me Minecraft.

But that isn't until later. I was born In Houston, Texas and then moved to California when I was 1 and a half. My dad risked everything to start a school and I was in that school all the way up to eighth grade. i guess that I can share 1 story about my fun there. When I was in second grade, my friend and I needed to use the restroom really bad. The other restrooms were full, so we used the faculty bathroom. We hung out there for a while because we thought it was "cool." Then, about ten minute into our adventures in the bathroom we decided to teepee it. If you don't know what that is, it's basically getting all the toilet paper you have and throwing it everywhere. That was really quite fun actually. Then our teacher was wondering where the heck we were, so she came and checked. When she came in she saw the mess and we got sent to the principal's office. My dad, being in charge of the school, was the principal. So we went to him. I was really scared because I had never done this before, and so was my partner in crime. I then got around to sixth grade and all of my friends were talking about minecraft. I had a sleepover that weekend with an addict of it. We decided to play it and I sucked like hell. We actually played MCSG and the MCSG were the very first servers I played. Before that, I played on fyregames, which was owned by MCSG. It got shutdown for some reason but I enjoyed it. Then I realized it was connected to MCSG. (wouldn't you guess) We played MCSg for a while and I got my first win on Sg 1 and that gave me my love for Minecraft, and for MCSG. Then i thought I could get the game. So i take a while saving up and after 1 month I get 10 dollars. I ask my parents if they will pay for the other half of it. Fortunately, they agreed and i got minecraft. I joined my first server and played on it for 2 months, then thy promoted me to Moderator. I didn't know much, but the Owner was really kind and taught me a lot. I learned all the commands for staff members and for administrators. Then I thought it would be cool if I started my own server. it was much harder than i thought, but with a little help from YouTube, anything is possible.

So I make my server, and my friend and I get plugins and such. We got an average of 50 people each day. But it was very laggy because I didn't have a host for the server. So I had to shut down the server. After that i played on a few other servers, and surprised them with my capabilities and got staff on those as well. Then I remembered that I liked MCSG. Then, suddenly, my Dad got a new job in Georgia. and this is pretty recent. So we are going to move there next summer and go to a school which he will be the head of. I'm very excited for that. That is pretty much it so far. There are a few other humorous stories that I may tell some other time. I have a MCSG application posted and hope it gets accepted.

Thank you for reading!
Actually, I forgot to mention my minecraft name. Most people think I am a girl but what happened was I couldn't get a name because they were all taken. So I named it after my dog. and we call her Miss Molly. So i do that and I misspell it. Thus giving me my awful name.

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