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Just following the crowd...


Aug 31, 2012
Reaction score
So a lot of these MCSG stories have been cropping up lately, thought I would give it a shot :)

Anyway, I can't really remember when I first started MCSG, so I'll just skip forward to around late august, towards the time I started Year 11. I used to always play with my IRL friends: xBeng97 & xRecoillz (ben & James,) and at the start we were all noobs, we played about 100 games together before school started, but then something happened and we didn't speak for a long while, anyway, I was still playing MCSG, but I played alone for about 2 weeks and it got boring, until one day I joined eu22 (one of the only servers I played back then) and people were talking about a team of 8, then all of a sudden two of the people I usually classed as rivals (this is back when I started gaining wins, I was at around 40 wins I think at the time) asked me to team because of the fact the 8 man team would crush us otherwise, so I added them on skype, I can't really remember their names so I won't even mention them, but basically we played for a while and created a clan called Hex, around this time I also became friends with a few others, such as I_Iz_So_Cool and ashbash211, they also joined the clan and we were completely nooby, this was back in November, before the bounty explosion glitch, about 3 weeks after 'truedozer' was taken over from /top with points, anyway, we got one of our members to 7th in the /top and we felt like we ruled the world! I got to about 97th in the European leader-boards and felt so proud of myself! But then something happened which caused me to take a break from MCSG, and in the time I took the break, I started talking to Ben & James again in school, and I am so glad I did, otherwise I wouldn't have been pushed by anyone to start playing MCSG again!

So December: I started playing again, but by this time all of my old clan buddies had stopped playing, and then my IRL friends started dying out of MCSG too. But after a few more weeks, well... I can't really remember when, but at some point I joined a clan called Chaos, lead by @ExKing and @METII023 I met some awesome people there but I didn't really get to know many of them very well... then the clan disbanded and I was invited to a new clan by one of the chaos members, called FusionPVP lead by @UnknownPlayer1 aka xBreakk and @Charlesyummyegg, it was basically Chaos but with a few different members and here I met @Willowcraft4 <3333333. Anyway, the clan disbanded and everyone moved on, can't really remember a lot of stuff happening (goldfish memory swag) so I will just skip ahead to when me and Charlie aka Willowcraft4 set up Death Angels. I met lots of awesome players and got way better at PVP. Charlie got mod rank on the MCSG servers and I started owning the clan myself. We were doing really well and to be honest I would have considered us one of the, I REPEAT: ONE OF THE, best eu clans at the time. But, all good things come to an end, so I disbanded the clan... and about a day later realised I wanted a clan again! So I created Team Reborn, a fitting name I thought because I was basically coming back from just disbanding a clan, we got most of the members back, and after time Charlie resigned and became the half owner of Reborn with me, and we became great friends again, we changed the name to Sempiternal because Swag and are still going to this day :)

I realise it was kind of short and doesn't include much detail, so I decided to pop some name drops down here, if I miss you out I'm sorry, I'll edit you in if I did :)

@Willowcraft4 I love you. Nuff said.
@UnknownPlayer1 To say you were once anoob who asked me for team, and I would now class you as better than me, you have rapidly got better at PVP, you also are an awesome guy.
@DerpyDash11 I don't quite remember how we met, but I am glad we did <3
@Spike11 Legitely Amzing, Nuff said.
@Torn_On_Denial Your voice = Godly.
@Jarni I will always feed you krill, as you are my pet whale.
@ImHazzasMinecraft Probably one of the most abnormal friends I have, but you always make me laugh.
@NoahSailer You WERE one good friend, and taught me quite a lot about PVP.
@Builda_Br3tt With all the bad things that have happened aside, I will always think of you as a friend, and probably one of my closest at one point.
@Benkeeper I also forget where I met you, but as with DerpyDash, I'm glad we did.
@GuyK I'm glad we have something in common, nuff said xD

Well, I'm bored now, if I missed you out then just comment on the thread and I'll put you in :)
Last edited:


Jan 19, 2013
Reaction score
I remember how I met Joe, back in Fusion when he called me a prententious prick and then made me a skin with the file name 'bunnies(<<<the f word) you' :')


Apr 21, 2012
Reaction score
Joe, I met you in a game around when you had 100 subs, I had heard of your channel before, you were talking to a fan boy and the game started, I had only like 69 wins at the time (69.... I'm so funny) and was very bad, there we like 8 people left in the game, you had full iron and a diamond sword and I had nothing as I was new to the map, I was hiding in a corner and a guy came in and starting trolling me with items he was about to kill me when you came in and killed him, I backed away into the corner like a noob and said 'please don't kill me sir' so you gave me some stuff, i felt so happy after the game, I watched all of your videos, and told my self that I wanted to be like you so I started a youtube channel and now im here with 135 subs :) that is how I met you joe. ;)

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