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I'm a MrKatyCopaCelinePureJn Mermaid.



What's up guys, MrMad2000 here and today i'm going to tell you a bit about myself, and my MCSG story...
Which is... Kind of sad... :p

(How do I work this new forum layout? -.-)

My name is Joseph.
I was born on the 31st of August, 2000.
I used to have a gold knight skin long before me starting to play on MCSG, I used to play on a server called vaultcraft and then that got really boring and I moved onto a non grief, PvP, hawkeye installed mcMMo Towny/Faction server called Dark Helmet. #Memories.
I started to play Minecraft on the update it became offical. 1.0, the update when the end was added and the update before bow enchantments were added.

I've donated to MCSG 4 times.
Version 1 SG : 2 times golden donator for 1 month.
Version 2 SG : 1 time iron sponsor for 3 months.
New Buycraft System. (Current Update, Upcomming Version 3 SG) : Golden Donator.


I found out about MCSG through a friend of mine, Charlie. (Falconman1234), and he said he'd found this cool server, I checked it out and what do you know, it was MCSG.
I started to play MCSG more often. I started playing on it a bit more when Breeze Island was the only community map that was only there in the voting options.
Time passed and eventually I met roellie89, curly(something, forgot your name. :p), and someone called Mitur(something, I've also forgotten your name), Me and roellie were talking in chat and we wanted to team, so we did and then we came across curly, and he had a robin skin, and roellie has a batman skin, so roellie also teamed with him which I was fine with, then mitur found us and was annoyed to find out we were a team of 3, so we also teamed with him.

I then asked. "Can us 4 swear to always be a team if we're in the same game, and for us to then become the most powerful players on this server?" Jk I didn't say the last bit...

But anyways, we did. And eventually, Mitur ran for moderator, but 3 days after he told me that. I never saw him on MCSG again. 2 days after that, I never saw curly either.

By all this time. I was too scared to join any SG server aside from EU4, so i'd wait like an hour to play on that server instead of going on any others because I knew quite alot of the people who frequently joined EU4.

I then added Roellie to skype. And there was this spammer who was really getting my attention, so I recorded him spamming... But...

I recently learned then how to install hack clients. And I kind of recorded my own evidence... I had a hack client installed on MCSG.
The spammer was "dealt with" while I had to be banned for 3 days. I instantly got rid of the hack client and swore to myself i'll never use a hack on MCSG again, even though I never used the hack client I had installed while I was reporting that person because I wouldn't dare use it on Multiplayer.

After that. I got unbanned and I met quite a few people, and then Overgrown arena was released. No one liked the map. And I never played on it. Then Kharmunrah and the other 3 maps came along. (Sorry, forgot the names.)

A while after, I fell out with roellie. Long story. :(

I then met KatyRoseRain. I wanted to team with her because she was a donator and she seemed nice, everyone was asking to team with her, but I thought i'd actually be nice to her and talk to her before asking her to team. She eventually said "You seem nice by the way, wanna truce?" I didn't respond for a minute and then I finally said, "can we team Katy?" She said sure, and we did. We lost that game. :(
I eventually kept on bumping into her on games and we'd team and eventually I asked her for her skype, she refused to give it to me as shy as she was but eventually she gave in a day later.

While she had school and was inactive, I had no idea what to do. And who to trust. MCSG was gaining alot of new players everyday, as the old community eventually faided away.

Then I became friendly with echo_555. :3 Long story again but I fell out with him. But I respect you. ;) Good guy.

I met InsanePickaxe, gustty, vasco (FFS I FORGOT YOUR NAME AGAIN! -.-) & Moon (Forgot your name...), Good guys. :)

RIP InsanePickaxe, why did you quit SG? -.-

Anyways, I noticed that EU16 had been down for 3 days... But I then seen that it was up and I joined it. And suprise suprise...
Variede has joined the game.
I fangirled... XD
I was lucky enough to play with Vareide himself and his build team on MCSG, being the first to offically play the Survival Games 4.
I got to deathmatch with full leather against MaGezky and his friend who were in full iron, I ran for about 2 and 1/2 minutes just screaming... XD Then got killed.
I then thought. "I should start taking MCSG a bit more seriously, I need to work on my PvP skills."
I eventually got better, and better and better. And met EdtheG, Aag2000, JordanCraft1, Copa & ZanaBoss.

I joined there clan #Armageddon. And I had a blast in there.

I then finally met my dream. Slime army, how badly I wanted to get in there iFrox... Pftt you kept me waiting... XD

So I joined Slime Army, with some of the used to be best players.

ExKing (You're amazing at PvP...)
iFrox (#CRAY!)
TeIIo (I miss you...)
And more.

I ruined that clan's skype chat... Whoops... XD

I left that and met G8mes4u, he then created a clan called #BeastAttack, joined that, that got disbanned.

I joined a clan called #Alliance, it just got disbanned 2 hours ago before this thread was made... Thanks @bananaboyman29

I quit MCSG for a while. But celinevanelden got me to start playing it again, she didn't really try to inspire me and get me to play it again, but she did. So thanks. :)
The first game I played with her... It was the best moment on MCSG I probably ever felt when it came to friends. I was re-united with KatyRoseRain. After her comming back from her forgotten and hidden and secret disappearance (not really but she left SG because of school), she started to play SG again and we ended up on the SAME server. This is where I met AprilJn. Her friend. Jennifer. And my BESTIE! <3 I also met JacobDelry through Katy.
It was the fallen colossi, I was killed off spawn and because I hadn't of played SG for about 2 months I lost all my grip, and skill. Celine was directed by me, and April directed Katy towards Celine, it was funny because they went right past eachother twice not knowing...

Anyways, I was added to the skype call after searching Katy's skype because she got a new one which I suspected. On the forums. I found it and added her back.
She then invited me to the skype call where I met Jennifer. Great Gal you are. xD
I then also met Jacob.

We play SG quite a bit together now but since we're starting school we're not gonna talk to eachother much anymore due to we all live in different timezones. I'll be stuck with Jacob while Katy and Jennifer will be stuck with eachother due to there timezone different is 8 hours to me and jacobs, and Me & Jacob both live in England. While Katy and Jen live in America.

I'm here where I am now. I've been in a few clans, and made aload of friends and enemies. Here's my list of all the people i'll always remember. Good & Bad. And the people I look up to...


Mansshuasen (I know i've spelt that wrong... Sorry :p)

Jdspyro... (Thanks for getting me into trouble and getting all my friends to think i'm you...)



(I apologize if I forgot your name. I really do. DON'T HESITATE TO TELL ME TO ADD IT TO THE LIST! And please don't take offence in any way, if I forgot you, it doesn't mean I don't like you, I just simply forgot.)

Thanks for reading.

EDIT : THERE IS MORE! JUST WAIT! And eventually i'll spend an hour or so editing this and perfecting it. :3


I terrorized a couple clan's skype chats like Nitrite... Slimearmy... And that's it... XD


I joined Nitride because of quite a few people I looked up to were in there. Not did I know that i'd then become friendlier with Echo there and talk to BetaPuffle on skype. <3 you puffle. So fluffy. Wut?
Anyways. I met Copa in there aswell but breifly spoke to him in Nitride. He then moved to Armageddon. While in there I met K3nny & EpicAsh1. Cool people.


I created a clan and 3 days later I got one reply on it.
"Good luck with this clan"
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
No. Just No... There is ONE PERSON in this clan and that's me... THE OWNER! That's it I give up.

XxASxX was disbanned. I know right. What a stupid name...



I always had EvenFromHeaven & Sodenhohn as my early on Look up to people who I eventually teamed with and learned a bit from them, But recently I added Even on skype along with Mark. (TNTTIME), cool guys. Despite I went on call with them once so far... XD

I recently tried to make an SG map... Guess how that turned out...

//sphere dirt 50000

Entire arena is now a dirt sphere...


*Nothing left to undo.*


That... ^^
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Oct 3, 2012
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You spelled my name wrong, it's billyguy1 not billyguy ;)

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