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Apex - AU Clan

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Jun 28, 2013
Reaction score
Did you just call Phoenix mature? : o

Silly Gunish-ONE <3
Haha, I know you guys aren't exactly mature all the time, but at least you know how to use proper spelling/grammar in your clan thread, which makes it a somewhat professional clan :p


Jan 25, 2013
Reaction score
Application form:
·Minecraft username - JobieUCrazy
·Age - 15
·Wins/Total Games Played/Total time Played/Bounty - 450/2200/1w6d9m35s/ 6084
·Maps you generally like to play/ maps you don't like to play - I play any maps, preferred maps - breeze, freeze, sg4, any teweran
·Skype name/Do you use optifine? - jobie.u.crazy, I do use optifine
·Game Rank(VIP, Donator, Regular etc.) - Regular soon to be diamond
·Been banned?(for?) - Banned for abuse ages ago and admitting to BSM


Jul 31, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft username Lefamily
·Age 12 mature
·Wins/Total Games Played/Total time Played/Bounty 137/1216/5d20h13m4s
·Maps you generally like to play/ maps you don't like to play sg4, avarica, moonlightlake, sg highway
·Skype name/Do you use optifine?Pewpewlaser/yes I do have optifine
·Game Rank(VIP, Donator, Regular etc.)Regular
·Been banned?(for?) NO


Jun 10, 2013
Reaction score
·Minecraft username: iCrYsss
·Age: 12
·Wins 72/Total Games Played 358/Total time Played 1d23h15m40s/Bounty 898
·Maps you generally like to play/ maps you don't like to play: SG4, Vallyside,Tewilran games 1 2 3, Freeze,Breeze
·Skype name/Do you use optifine?: iCrYsss/ Yes
·Game Rank(VIP, Donator, Regular etc.) :reg
·Been banned?(for?) :Yes. Calling a admin an asshole (He was being mean to me on my server)


Jan 16, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft username:imBLUNT
·Age: I am 12 years of age and turn 13 next year.
·Wins/Total Games Played/Total time Played/Bounty:611
·Maps you generally like to play/ maps you don't like to play:Sg4, Demons Breeze, Breeze Island, Solar Frost, Avarcia
·Skype name/Do you use optifine? my skype is imBLUNT3 most of your members have me as a contact on skype! I do you use Optifine because when i dont have it i get a fair bit of FPS drops on certain maps and than i cant win a game with low FPS! :/
·Game Rank(VIP, Donator, Regular etc.): I am an Iron donor and it expires in like 20 days
·Been banned?(for?)Yes i have been banned before for hacking and i used to hack and than got banned and than i kept getting acused of hacking so i decided to start a youtube to show people that i dont hack and than since i started that people have realized that i dont have and have a fair few subscribers.

I know i have had difficulties with some of these clan members by being an imature little kid that no-one liked but i can turn that around and heaps of people are giving me one more chance because they feel that we can end up really good friends together, I will tell you why i want to be in this clan so bad, I want to join this amazing Apex clan because some really amazing players belong in this clan and i know are an amazing mcsg player, Also i want to join because not just of the players but you guys are really organised and have a really warm welcome when you accept people. Thats my application for the day and i hope you guys understand that i am really desperate to become really good friends with most of you!

Thanks, Much love Blunt <3


Jul 7, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft username:imBLUNT
·Age: I am 12 years of age and turn 13 next year.
·Wins/Total Games Played/Total time Played/Bounty:611
·Maps you generally like to play/ maps you don't like to play:Sg4, Demons Breeze, Breeze Island, Solar Frost, Avarcia
·Skype name/Do you use optifine? my skype is imBLUNT3 most of your members have me as a contact on skype! I do you use Optifine because when i dont have it i get a fair bit of FPS drops on certain maps and than i cant win a game with low FPS! :/
·Game Rank(VIP, Donator, Regular etc.): I am an Iron donor and it expires in like 20 days
·Been banned?(for?)Yes i have been banned before for hacking and i used to hack and than got banned and than i kept getting acused of hacking so i decided to start a youtube to show people that i dont hack and than since i started that people have realized that i dont have and have a fair few subscribers.

I know i have had difficulties with some of these clan members by being an imature little kid that no-one liked but i can turn that around and heaps of people are giving me one more chance because they feel that we can end up really good friends together, I will tell you why i want to be in this clan so bad, I want to join this amazing Apex clan because some really amazing players belong in this clan and i know are an amazing mcsg player, Also i want to join because not just of the players but you guys are really organised and have a really warm welcome when you accept people. Thats my application for the day and i hope you guys understand that i am really desperate to become really good friends with most of you!

Thanks, Much love Blunt <3
*Facepalm* you own Devine, Devine Dreamzz, aire, and If you say " I will disband if you want "you are a stupid unloyal person and a giant clan hopper


May 27, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft username : rage141
Age : 15
Wins:377 Total games played : 1721 Total timed played : 1week ish Bounty : 570
Maps i like to play : Freeze Breeze and sg4
Skype name : benson.niuila I don't use optofine
Game rank : 580
Been banned for? : BSM, foul language
Maps i dont like to play : Sg1, Sg2, Sg3, Sg5


May 27, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft username :Mr_Jaskirat
Age : 15
Wins:377 Total games played : 1721 Total timed played : 1week ish Bounty : 570
Maps i like to play : Freeze Breeze and sg4
Skype name : benson.niuila I don't use optofine
Game rank : 580
Been banned for? : BSM, foul language
Maps i dont like to play : Sg1, Sg2, Sg3, Sg5


Nov 30, 2012
Reaction score
Minecraft username:imBLUNT
·Age: I am 12 years of age and turn 13 next year.
·Wins/Total Games Played/Total time Played/Bounty:611
·Maps you generally like to play/ maps you don't like to play:Sg4, Demons Breeze, Breeze Island, Solar Frost, Avarcia
·Skype name/Do you use optifine? my skype is imBLUNT3 most of your members have me as a contact on skype! I do you use Optifine because when i dont have it i get a fair bit of FPS drops on certain maps and than i cant win a game with low FPS! :/
·Game Rank(VIP, Donator, Regular etc.): I am an Iron donor and it expires in like 20 days
·Been banned?(for?)Yes i have been banned before for hacking and i used to hack and than got banned and than i kept getting acused of hacking so i decided to start a youtube to show people that i dont hack and than since i started that people have realized that i dont have and have a fair few subscribers.
Weaknesses: killing yozy3 because he is a pro and he is way to good for me he could kill me with his fist and i have full iron armour and diamond sword

I know i have had difficulties with some of these clan members by being an imature little kid that no-one liked but i can turn that around and heaps of people are giving me one more chance because they feel that we can end up really good friends together, I will tell you why i want to be in this clan so bad, I want to join this amazing Apex clan because some really amazing players belong in this clan and i know are an amazing mcsg player, Also i want to join because not just of the players but you guys are really organised and have a really warm welcome when you accept people. Thats my application for the day and i hope you guys understand that i am really desperate to become really good friends with most of you!

Thanks, Much love Blunt <3
Thankyou blunt I know I'm really hard to kill.


Aug 15, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft username : rage141
Age : 15
Wins:377 Total games played : 1721 Total timed played : 1week ish Bounty : 570
Maps i like to play : Freeze Breeze and sg4
Skype name : benson.niuila I don't use optofine
Game rank : 580
Been banned for? : BSM, foul language
Maps i dont like to play : Sg1, Sg2, Sg3, Sg5
1: Rage is not 15
2: Rage does not have 377 wins...
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