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Story of my mcsg life ;)


May 23, 2013
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Hey guys, as you can probably tell I am doing a novel of my mcsg life :)

Well, I guess this is where it starts, Well one day i was legit so bored like out of my mind bored and I had only been playing minecraft for about 5 months, so anyway i didnt know anything except for survival and creative... So i had heard all about this hunger games movie coming out in a couple of months and I wondered to myself "what if there is a server thingy of hunger games on minecraft?" Yes 'noob' talk and so i jumped onto the internet and searched up 'Minecraft hunger games server'. Well As you could probably guess it brang me to mcsg.

So i went to the server list and it had only US servers so i joined few, I remeber my first game, I died within the first 5 minutes, I had the steve skin and everything...and then i joined the us ip : us23.mcsg.in
and this was the first time i actually made friends... they were two girls o.o I stayed on this exact same server, didnt even go to another server and, just this one because they were basically my only friends.

About a year later i found out that there was AU servers and I joined them and this is when i got my first ever win... it was on the map sg4 but i had a team. we made it to deathmatch and he let me win :), I started to get the hang of winning and i liked it. 1 and a half years of playing mcsg and i got to my 10th win i was getting better, little by little, but still getting better.

I had a couple more friends from school that started to play and we started winning so we made a deal first one to 500+ points would win... Because i am i competetive person i was up all day and all night just trying to kill evryone that i saw and this worked out for me i was getting wins and points, when my friends came back on skype, i had 300+ points and i started bragging that i was going to win this bet. anyway later on (about 5 minutes later) we joined a lobby together and i found out that he already had 800+ points it, i cri

2 years into this server i was getting really good and i hit 100 wins, I was like yeah this is pretty good, and i did aimed high... i aimed to be on the first page of the leaderboards (And still to this day i am still trying xD) And then it all started going downhill from there...

After my mum was diagnosed with breast cancer i took time off mcsg, and i mean a lot it hit me so hard that i didnt even know what to do with my life... I tried to get back into things on the pvp side.. but it as all too much i was stressed physically, emotionally and mentally, I considered wiping my whole computer clean of minecraft and evreything else, After my mum had gone through 3 surgerys by that stage, it was back and forward to the hospital and home and i barely got time to play, it even scared me more when i found out that it had gone from a stage 2 cancr to a stage 3 so basically if she hadnt of gone for a check-up she wouldnt of made it to christmas. Then she started chemotherapy and about a week into getting the stuff intoher she looked fine and that it looked like it was all good, but it wasnt.

She started having her hair falling out by the second dose, and this was stressing her, she didnt know what to do, her hair was falling out in chunks. She decided to shave her head, I remember that night, I went to see how the shaving was going... and i walked in their and was shocked to see my mum having long hair her whole life, having all of it... gone... So please i urge your mum or your sister to go and get checked you never know when it comes or where it is going to come from...

So anyway back into the happy side of this novel, i started to realise that mcsg and the whole community within it was my therapy. My only therapy away from AFL. and it started making me happy like really happy, I started going and talking to all the mods and i signed up to the forums and didnt even know what to do tbh, and then i asked some mods and got the hang of it. And then i found out what i really wanted to do, and that was becoming a mod on mcsg. I looked at all the rules and studied them and apply, meanwhile my first mod had been declined for to little answers, so i had 1 more go and got declined once more i just accepted it...

So anyway this is where it ends... (Some of you are probably mumbling to yourself 'finally') And i just want you to know that don't fell sorry for me this is not what im asking for, all i wanted to share with you guys tonight is my mcsg life and i have hoped you have enjoyed the story and i hope their shall be many more memories to come...

Pro <3


Jul 5, 2013
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I feel you bro, I went through the same thing with my mum, it is truly hard and if you ever need to talk about it buddy, I'm always here!


May 4, 2013
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Wait so is your mum okay?! Yeah and I know what it feels like when there are problems happening in your family (I lost a very loved one). I'm so glad we're buddies!


May 4, 2013
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Dood, dis is ma 300th post, aww yeah GOML nubs.

BTW, i cwi evri tim

Edit: I am lucky to have never had family die, even though you said not to be sorry for you, I can't help it. I AM SOWWY FOR UUUUUUU!!!! ;(
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