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Where are Moderators when you need them?

Do you think Moderators perform their jobs how they are supposed to ?

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Aug 12, 2013
Reaction score
I am tired of being in a game and getting killed by hackers -_-. Every time this bullshit happens then I go in the lobby and ask for a mod...and guess what!? They either ignore me completely or just tell me to report it with proof. Well here's the thing.... my pc is slow and I can't record anyone hacking but I do try to tell Moderators in the lobby after in get killed by a hacker to COME INSIDE the game to see the hacker IN PROGRESS. But guess what ? They still tell me ''Post a ban dispute on the forums'' even when I try to explain to them my situation.
I swear the best things mods can do is say ''Easy on the caps'' and ''Easy on the language'' or anything along those lines (-_-).
I have uploaded some screenshots of Me and my friend asking and begging the mods to come into a server to see a hacker. There were about 3 Mods online so one could have come in the game and spectated the hacker and the others would have stayed in the lobby and Moderate. But that is not how it turned out.



Jun 22, 2012
Reaction score
Ok If you are having a problem on the servers you can upload a report abuse. Also you can go on teamspeak if you need us. (Mcsg.in) Now Not all mods don't do their job and many people try to do there job. Personally I Believe that the Hub chat is a Fast Chat and it is really hard to read every single line although it can be done. Also the hub is similar to creative the Chat is Fast and Hard to answer every single question at once so it Takes time. So I want to say that lots of mods do there jobs. If someone on one of the Servers is Hacking get evidence yourself and upload it to the report abuse as well as trying to get a moderator on TeamSpeak (Mcsg.in) or in the hub. (I recommend Team Speak). Please Understand that there are Mods that are trying to do there Jobs. Not all Mods can go help you because we need to continue to moderate the Hub to. I Personally Think that Nitro should have come to help you but We do not know were he saw what you typed after or if he had seen that you said she was in game. Please Don't Direct at the Whole staff because of the possible fault of one or many mods.

Please Try to use Teamspeak if you are really needing a Mod and you can't get one or their attention.

Matt_The Dreamer

Jul 31, 2012
Reaction score
Ok If you are having a problem on the servers you can upload a report abuse. Also you can go on teamspeak if you need us. (Mcsg.in) Now Not all mods don't do their job and many people try to do there job. Personally I Believe that the Hub chat is a Fast Chat and it is really hard to read every single line although it can be done. Also the hub is similar to creative the Chat is Fast and Hard to answer every single question at once so it Takes time. So I want to say that lots of mods do there jobs. If someone on one of the Servers is Hacking get evidence yourself and upload it to the report abuse as well as trying to get a moderator on TeamSpeak (Mcsg.in) or in the hub. (I recommend Team Speak). Please Understand that there are Mods that are trying to do there Jobs. Not all Mods can go help you because we need to continue to moderate the Hub to. I Personally Think that Nitro should have come to help you but We do not know were he saw what you typed after or if he had seen that you said she was in game. Please Don't Direct at the Whole staff because of the possible fault of one or many mods.

Please Try to use Teamspeak if you are really needing a Mod and you can't get one or their attention.
Most players can't or don't understand how to use the teamspeak though... Your average Joe of MCSG will probably never have heard of teamspeak, never mind actually using it. And with the hub being a spammy mess unreadable by most people, what is left? There should really be a way to pm mods in game /MSG or such.

While this post was a bit verging on the flaming of mods, there is truth in this which I have seen with my own eyes. Some have ignored the call to servers even with a plea from ts. And it is true that not all of us can record, I personally am too stupid to figure it out myself and I know others that are in a similar situation.

In report abuse I wish mods would actually tell you what te punishment was, instead of a cryptic "User has been dealt with". For many this could mean a permanent ban, or a warning. Players could be confused. Just a small nit pic that I personally don't like.


Jun 22, 2012
Reaction score
Most players can't or don't understand how to use the teamspeak though... Your average Joe of MCSG will probably never have heard of teamspeak, never mind actually using it. And with the hub being a spammy mess unreadable by most people, what is left? There should really be a way to pm mods in game /MSG or such.
There will be soon, it is Being implemented and working on it. Also there is a Message that says that you can Poke a Moderator on TeamSpeak It also gives the Ip to it.

While this post was a bit verging on the flaming of mods, there is truth in this which I have seen with my own eyes. Some have ignored the call to servers even with a plea from ts. And it is true that not all of us can record, I personally am too stupid to figure it out myself and I know others that are in a similar situation.
Ah I see well if this happens take a Screenshot if you can and Tell Sr. Staff or use https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1CIYX85n9OiitpPNTfbPrxd0-tWlPImUmqih6zzn0g_c/viewform to fill out a complaint about a moderator. (Please don't Complain about me I'm only Trying to help.)

In report abuse I wish mods would actually tell you what the punishment was, instead of a cryptic "User has been dealt with". For many this could mean a permanent ban, or a warning. Players could be confused. Just a small nit pic that I personally don't like.
Sorry But we are not allowed to tell you this as the person may not like you to know this information. The only person who is allowed to tell you the length of their Ban is them.


Feb 9, 2013
Reaction score
Its ts.mcsg.in
And its probably better if we give out ts.mcgamer.net now


Jun 17, 2013
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this is a bad excuse even if your laptop is slow you can screen shot if you really have a problem with it you would take time out of your day to file a complaint any computer can screen shot this is a bad excuse for you just being lazy please dont take it out on the mods they try to do there job the best they can and they are not getting paid either
Feb 5, 2013
Reaction score
Get teamspeak, poke a moderator with your problem, they'll be happy to help you. Or, you know there's a 'Report Abuse' section for a reason. Record the hacker and post it there. Boom, problem solved.


Aug 18, 2012
Reaction score
Did anybody read the OP?

Well here's the thing.... my pc is slow and I can't record anyone hacking
Not everybody has a computer capable of recording on top of playing Minecraft. As it is, Minecraft uses too much of your computers resources then it should (owed to Mojang).

It's a very real issue and almost nobody considers that before telling people to post a report - many people can't record the evidence required for these reports.

While, yes, Teamspeak is an option, the players shouldn't be forced to download extra software and connect and go through the hassle of poking a Moderator to inform them of a hacker. Especially if they're in the midst of a game and don't already have the software - it's a hassle and they most likely won't have enough time. I'm glad to hear that there will be a command in-game for players to use soon, but in the mean time there really should be an alternative method of contacting staff.

To those of you saying to take a screenshot - you should know that unless it is a chat related issue, that's not valid evidence for a report and will be shot down. Video evidence is required for hackers.

So, to answer the poll, I'm going to elaborate. Yes and no. Many times, the staff do perform as they should. However, on the flip-side, many times, staff do not. Being a retired Moderator here, I've seen how the staff functions and I know that many times things go amiss and are ignored. Now, I'm not sure if things have drastically changed since I resigned about a month ago, but I doubt it. I'm not knocking or hating, in fact I think the staff do a great job considering the size of the community and I understand that there is a lot to cover and it is definitely difficult. The staff definitely has its ups and downs.
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Jul 9, 2012
Reaction score
this is a bad excuse even if your laptop is slow you can screen shot if you really have a problem with it you would take time out of your day to file a complaint any computer can screen shot this is a bad excuse for you just being lazy please dont take it out on the mods they try to do there job the best they can and they are not getting paid either
Screenshot evidence is deemed invalid and inconclusive by moderators, videos are required. For someone who doesn't have a pc capable of both running minecraft and a recording software, requesting that a moderator joins your server seems like a fair thing to do.


District 13
May 9, 2012
Reaction score
Since I did not see this in 2 pictures you posted, don't forget to say which server the supposed hacker is. Just saying "OMG CUM SERVA!!!! HAXORS!!!!!" won't get you anywhere.

If you want a moderator to come you have to tell us:
1. Which server (required)
2. Player name (required)
3. What type of hacks did he used (optional)

If you find a moderator who "does not help you" then just ask another moderator on TeamSpeak. If you do not know how to use TeamSpeak, feel free to PM me.
We staff members are here to help you and understand that not everyone has the ability to record, but please understand that we are either:
1. Dealing with another issue
2. AFK
3. Didn't see it due to the fast chat in the HUB

We do try our best to help people out.


Aug 12, 2013
Reaction score
Did anybody read the OP?

Not everybody has a computer capable of recording on top of playing Minecraft. As it is, Minecraft uses too much of your computers resources then it should (owed to Mojang).

It's a very real issue and almost nobody considers that before telling people to post a report - many people can't record the evidence required for these reports.

While, yes, Teamspeak is an option, the players shouldn't be forced to download extra software and connect and go through the hassle of poking a Moderator to inform them of a hacker. Especially if they're in the midst of a game and don't already have the software - it's a hassle and they most likely won't have enough time. I'm glad to hear that there will be a command in-game for players to use soon, but in the mean time there really should be an alternative method of contacting staff.

To those of you saying to take a screenshot - you should know that unless it is a chat related issue, that's not valid evidence for a report and will be shot down. Video evidence is required for hackers.

So, to answer the poll, I'm going to elaborate. Yes and no. Many times, the staff do perform as they should. However, on the flip-side, many times, staff do not. Being a retired Moderator here, I've seen how the staff functions and I know that many times things go amiss and are ignored. Now, I'm not sure if things have drastically changed since I resigned about a month ago, but I doubt it. I'm not knocking or hating, in fact I think the staff do a great job considering the size of the community and I understand that there is a lot to cover and it is definitely difficult. The staff definitely has its ups and downs.
Finally someone understand

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