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My Active Member Story


May 18, 2012
Reaction score
Hey guys. As you may not know, this will be my 1,000th message. Meaning that I will be an Active member from now on and I'd like to tell you all a bit about how this happened.
I joined MCSG in April 2012, but I didn't join the forums until May 18th. I wasn't really active on forums until September, when I made my first profile post stating that my age was not correct followed by a D: face. The forums weren't really important to me at the time. I only ever used them to report hackers, check my place on the leaderboards, and find an server in lobby.​
I didn't really become active on the forums until early 2013 when I started to use the website a lot more. Now I go on the forums daily, and I've sort of gotten an addiction to them.​
I'd like to thank... well really all of you. Especially all the people that ever liked one of my posts/followed me. I couldn't have gotten to where I am now without you guys.​
I've prepared a video for this occasion:​
Thank you for reading, and let's hope for another 1,000!​


Jul 7, 2013
Reaction score
Hey guys. As you may not know, this will be my 1,000th message. Meaning that I will be an Active member from now on and I'd like to tell you all a bit about how this happened.

I joined MCSG in April 2012, but I didn't join the forums until May 18th. I wasn't really active on forums until September, when I made my first profile post stating that my age was not correct followed by a D: face. The forums weren't really important to me at the time. I only ever used them to report hackers, check my place on the leaderboards, and find an server in lobby.
I didn't really become active on the forums until early 2013 when I started to use the website a lot more. Now I go on the forums daily, and I've sort of gotten an addiction to them.​
I'd like to thank... well really all of you. Especially all the people that ever liked one of my posts/followed me. I couldn't have gotten to where I am now without you guys.​

I've prepared a video for this occasion:
Thank you for reading, and let's hope for another 1,000!

how do you get that thing at the end of the message? that shows your stats and shtuff?

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