Minecraft Name:1234rishi or IFunnyBunnyHD
Skype Nameminecraft_is_boss1
Time Zone:eastern standard
What part of redstone are you best at (pick three from the list and put an "X" in the brackets)
[ x] Adapting redstone to buildings (Blending into the buildings, etc)
[ ] Compression (Making the contraption smaller and more compact)
[x ] Ideas (Cool redstone things that would work in a place)
[ ] Common Redstone Knowledge (Knowing styles of redstone and using them effectively)
[x ] Dealing with lag (Minimizing lag with the trap)
[ ] "Pro-Proof" (Making sure there's no ways to exploit the contraption)
[ ] Knowing your contraption inside and out (If there's a problem, you know immediately how to fix it)
[ ] Knowing where your contraption is going (Knowing mistakes or bugs with the servers where your redstone is going, i.e. Water/lava flow off in mcsg)
[ ] Working with others (Working with other redstoners on the team)
Provide pictures or videos of the two categories chosen above that you have done:Are you in another build team? At the moment No. I Used to be in snipers build team but the server got majorly griefed and we havent made a good map since.
Have you ever been in another build team (if so, which one/ones)? No
Have you ever helped with another map that has made it onto the servers (if so, which one/ones and tell ALL of what you did on it)?No , well not ones on mcsg.
Are you willing to do a trial of redstone if accepted? yes although i cant get to this website on my home computer you have probably poke me on ts, if i get accepted for trial build.
TS name: Bunny