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Jcamotts' Guide to PvP


Jan 3, 2013
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Hello guys, jcamotts here bringing you some of my best sword PvP tips and tricks.

1. Criticals- as you are fighting your opponent this is a simple way to deal more damage. Basically, all you need to do is jump as you hit the person, this creates Criticals that do more damage then the average hit.

2- Fishing Rod Tactic - The fishing Rod Tactic is a great way to get an advantage on your opponent. All you need to do is, while running at your opponent quickly hit him with your fishing rod as he gets close, the fishing rod knocks him back putting him in a place where he cannot hit you, but you can hit him. This can change the outcome of any fight.

3. Flint and Steel - Flint and Steel Is personally my best friend, if you know how to use it right FnS can be an Incredible weapon. The basic FnS move is simple, as you run away from your opponent you simply turn around and place it down in front of him. This move is a little more complex, I made it up myself, as you run at your opponent you hit him back with your fishing rod, the person rushes to get back at you, not expecting you to place FnS, and the next thing you know you have him on fire.

4. Bows - Bows can be used many different ways, all of then are efficient for PvP. My favorite move is what I like to call the Turn-Around Bow shot, after getting some hits on your opponent you run away, make sure you get enough distance from your opponent before turning around, as you run away you simply turn around and shoot the bow quickly, you can do this many times to get your opponent low. The normal way to use a bow is when your opponent is running away, you just try to shoot them and hope that it kills them. Remember is someone is running away you have to lead you arrows, instead of shooting at where they are you shot in front of them, so they run right into your arrow.

Block Hits - Block Hits are something I don't usually use, but I figured it can help out you noobs. All you need to do to block hit is basically spam left and right click at the same time. As you can tell by the name, you are basically blocking and hitting at the same time, so your opponent deals less damage to you. The reason I don't do this is because you cannot sprint when using block hits, this makes it easy for your opponent to strafe around you.

That is basically all you need to know to be a great PvPer, I hope this helped all you noobs out there.


Jul 20, 2013
Reaction score
Wow this is a pretty helpful thread. Ps you forgot to put in how to strafe lul


May 5, 2013
Reaction score
This is a great guide :D One other thing that helps me a lot is organizing my inventory (especially helpful for people who use the number keys to change the item in their hand)

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