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Hold the applause, BioGear94 has arrived! <33 xD

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Jul 14, 2013
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*Warning* What you are about to read has 1,669 words and is very long. It is the background of me and who I am. This is for you guys to know who I am and for me to introduce myself to the community. Thanks to everyone listed below in the story and have fun getting to know me!

Hello MCSG community, I'm BioGear94. My actual name is Alex, such an original name I know. I'm someone you guys will eventually like if you don't already. Before coming onto MCSG, I was someone not known by many globally, but was known locally for just being me. Let's start from the beginning.

As a kid, I was constantly being moved all around the world because my father was in the Air Force. I've been to places such as the Netherlands, France, England, Germany, and many states in the USA. 'Merica lol. If anyone has ever heard it, then you would know sometimes my English and rarely Dutch accent comes and says hi for a bit, but mostly you'll hear my American accent. Now take note that my European travels was when I was a lot younger. I may not remember living in Germany and France, but the pics I've seen tell the story.

In the Netherlands, otherwise known as Holland, I had a pretty rough time. I was 6 at the time and I was still learning Dutch, which I don't remember any of it but I can say I use to speak it haha. Now you say still learning Dutch? Well in a sense yes, because I was learning German before moving to the Netherlands and they are very similar. While doing this, my dad was constantly being moved around the world, months at a time, so I didn't really see him as much and was stuck with my mother in the Netherlands. 9 months goes by and I soon had a baby brother named Nicholas. By the time I was 7 (close to 8), my Father would get into many fights about many things and it led to a divorce in their marriage. I was hit pretty hard by this and had nothing to really do but watch. My dad ended up getting custody of both my brother and I, and we moved out to England, leaving my mother behind.

While in England, I was trying to figure things out in my head and be the older brother I was meant to be. This was hard for both of us, because we had no other family at the time and was always being watched by maids and such. Then there was school. It was very hard for me, because I was the odd ball out. Not only was I new, but I barely knew how to speak, except for a little mix between Dutch and German and knew nothing about English. With the help of my English maids, that was soon fixed. In approximately 4 months, I was starting to get to hang of the English language and finally felt as if I may fit in with the English kids soon. I met a lot of friends eventually and everyone thought I was cool because of living in different countries. One year later, I leave the U.K. for the U.S.

I start out in California, living in Monterey, California. It was chill and met some awesome people, but it didn't last long. After about 4 months living in California, I move to Nebraska. This is where I live now, in a town called Bellevue. For the next 8 years, I go from Nebraska to many different states due to my dad coming and going to places like Oman, Kuwait, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, etc. This is my list of places I've went to live for a little while, not places I've just went to visit. Nebraska, Missouri, Illinois, Minnesota, California, Arkansas, New Hampshire, Florida, and Tennessee. These places were more like summer homes while my dad was gone. I've been to many schools, but surprisingly only went to one high school, Bellevue West. I was part of the Class of 2013 and while at Bellevue West I was one of the 3 captains of the Varsity football team for 2 years (Junior and Senior Years) and the President of the Varsity Choir for one year (Senior Year). These were some of the best experiences of my life so far and definitely the most fun.

My high school life was amazing because I met so many different types of people from all over the world and I'm happy to call them my friends. I mean high school had its ups and downs, but overall, I loved it. I was pretty well known and wasn't a "d-bag" like some of the preppy kids. (Probably the reason I was never really hated by anyone or had any high school enemies, from what I know). To be in all honesty, power wasn't what I wanted, it was to be a leader, a role model, and a guy to go to. From the beginning of my life, being my brother's mentor, to becoming a name in high school people knew, was something that made me feel important. I had a major amount of responsibilities to fill and didn't have much of a time frame to do it. The main thing I give myself props for doing, is maintaining that leadership and the responsibilities along with it, while fulfilling all my other statuses as family, a student, a friend, a boyfriend, and a person who in general cares for others. As high school was ending for me, this wasn't about to be my life's "peak". I had to move on to bigger and better things; I started a band.

If you guys don't already know from the story, I'm a singer. I love music and the messages it sends to others in different ways. It was one of the reasons I joined choir. While in choir, I found a friend and his name was Nick. He became my best friend and people looked at me as if I was insane because nobody really liked him. I made that change real quick. The problem with Nick was that he was a shy, skinny, gamer, tech guy and wasn't the public/social type of guy. This automatically made him a weirdo in everyone's eyes except mine. I seen him for something more, and he was. He was very smart and knew his technology, music, and games. (Most of which I didn't like except Minecraft). He started talking to me one day in choir when we were partnered up for folder buddies and just became instant friends. Next thing I know, I start a band with him called NoNeutrality and we make an account on soundcloud to post all of our music. (soundcloud.com/NoNeutralityRecords) I really enjoyed working with him after the first recording, and we started doing some original music and covers of some of our favorite or requested songs. We then, posted a song on iTunes (not available anymore) to see how it was and really enjoyed the feedback. After awhile passed, I got a computer to do some gaming and wanted to expand in the entertainment world, so I enter the YouTube community. After a while of posting many gameplays of games like planetside and happywheels, I wanted to do some posts of my favorite game, Minecraft. I did a few lets plays on it and didn't get many views, but it was amazingly fun and hilarious. In other words, I had a good time. This led to wanting to play other games in multiplayer. That's when I found MCSG and became hooked. This went on for a couple of weeks and then I realized, high school was about to end and I needed a job.

I applied endlessly at many companies and either got no response or a failed interview, and then came Menards. This was a popular hardware store in our city and I felt I had the ability to use all my skills in things such as gardening, landscaping, and projects such as building sheds and decks. After a long and tedious wait, I got accepted to the Menards team and was automatically made a carryout manager, because of previous leadership experiences. I still work at Menards and love being someone who plays an important role again. This made me want to try and become a leader in many other fields, which brought me back to MCSG.

In the MCSG community, I loved playing pvp and learned tricks and ways to become better at it. Soon, after many frustrating games of dying, I learned that some of the games I lost, was because someone was using a hacked client of Minecraft to gain the advantage over other players such as BSM and forcefield and felt necessary to stop them in their tracks. What better way to do this by becoming one who watches the players themselves then reporting them. I apply as a moderator and wait a week, to find out I was declined by Kellie for not enough information. So I took another shot at it. I became a Moderator in like 4-5 days overall. During the wait I had a lot of fun with people like Jennifer (Zietra) and Joshkey and some other mods singing in the waiting room. I felt so proud of myself and accepted the responsibilities to enforce the rules on MCSG, now known as MCGamer. This is where I am now.

During this time of being a Moderator of the MCGamer community, I've met a lot of awesome people: Ichigoberry (Before becoming a Moderator), Mr_Gears, Decemberr, Zietra, Joshkey, pKTran (before we were mods), KellieBreanne, Krakan (Moderator Mentor), Echo, Spartan, GotCubes, GuyK, Angelsquad (Made my Avatar), C8zmax, Dave, Antser360, Tal_Pal, TPH_Toxin, SixZoSeven, Benny, Le0 (Moderator Mentor), Easy_Soup (Moderator Mentor), SumBoDee, JustAHotDog, Lemonz87, itsjulesdude, Nicknataw, MsMissyMinecraft (Buddy I am Mentoring), Adragonfire9, XNexer, Chandelle (FantasticTardis), WraithPVP, xstephaniemmx, shanrrbananrr, liveininfamy, Aeruner, Slasher, Kas, Pepsiz, Veeza, Trin, Sneeze7 (Made my skin), Jarni, ThappleTree (Fan boy), Soul, Wooders, DQ, and others. Sorry if I left anyone I talk to/ play with a lot out, this is a long list. Anyways, I thank you guys for being awesome people to me and having fun. Cya Soon!


Jul 25, 2013
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Bio,this was an amazing story and i really wish i was your boyfriend! Onlykiddingiamamicrowaveandloveyoualotandnowiwrotealotsoseeyouintheserversandbye <3


District 13
Jun 25, 2013
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I'm holding my applause indefinitely. I clap for no one.

E. Good story nonetheless.


Jan 2, 2013
Reaction score
This introduce yourself not a life story place but none the less it was pretty interesting


Apr 10, 2013
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It hurts... so much...
Right here... in my left boob OHHHHHHHH BURNNNNNNNNNN you thought it was my heart didn't ya :p.
You didn't add me to the list though...


Feb 25, 2013
Reaction score
Great job dude <3 sing for me I wanna hear well collab for reals <333333
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