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Fushi's Moderator Resignation.


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District 13
Nov 11, 2012
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Just going to warn you now, this isn't going to be a long resignation notice...sorry. I've already written plenty of Thank You threads, and I've written a MCSG Story somewhere on this site, so I'm not really going to bother with that.

Why am I resigning? Well, I'll start with a few issues that I had (hopefully to be improved upon) and end off with happy cheesy story time.

I remember the day my application got put as "pending." I was unhealthily happy that day; I remember jumping around everywhere out of joy. I felt a little less happy when I realized when around twenty others got the same response, but hey...whatever. After twenty minutes in the waiting room, I got moved up to the interview channel on TeamSpeak. I was extremely nervous, and being the awkward person I am, breathing really heavily. I felt like one in a million when I was accepted; at the time, the Moderator position was somewhat holy to me, and rare for anyone to have. The following weeks, I became pretty frustrated when I realized that many people that I felt were unqualified got accepted...I even remember those who told me they were only in it for the free donor. That sort of crushed a dream of mine, but I went along with it, getting my anger out in skype calls with friends. A certain unmentionable member here also led me this close to resigning after pretty insane things happened. I felt pretty mad when there was no punishment to that individual at all. I wouldn't still be a mod here if I hadn't decided to stay up all night talking to my new friend, darkai202. A little bit after this, I finally finished Trophaeum with my friends, and I was feeling really proud; more discouragement came when I realized how many disliked it without giving a single reason why. I then took my hiatus for a month, and laughed when I returned to 1.5k alerts. I realized that once I came back though, many felt kinda done with me; I could tell especially when I noticed that 3/39 people were using the signatures that took me so much time to make. After talking to friends a few more times though, I realized I should kinda end this on a high note. The combination of realizing that I was already spending waaaay to much time staring into a screen, and finding my inspiration sort of let me snap out of my MCSG trance. I remembered my original dream, before video games and MCSG.

Now I know that if I ended this off by saying always follow your dreams you'd probably tear out my esophagus, so I apologize in advance. I'll still be making the game I've told a few of you about, but I'm moving on and going back to my dream of creating manga. I won't be around here much anymore, but I might stop by every now and then.

Some people that have made this experience awesome for me: darkai202, Angryjukebox, Spike11, Lululioness, AedriftMC, BritishShoop, Chezerony, TheUnchainedArtist, CAmadeusA, Ninetailefox92 (and to the rest of RedForest...sorry), DQIX1, and everyone else I didn't mention...you know who you are. Oh, and I'm not really thanking Theoretical because I'll see him in a few weeks :p. Now CaptButterToast can take my spot as first of the "new-age" mods.

Thank you everyone for reading my boring story. It's been a great time.

-Fushi signing off.


District 13
Jun 28, 2012
Reaction score
;-; nuuuu Fushi!

But seriously, I hope you do well, and good luck with your art and creating manga! ^^


Destroyer of Worlds
Sep 29, 2012
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I cri every time a mod resigns <3 fushi


District 13
Jan 21, 2013
Reaction score
No fushi </3 why do all the good mods die! (if i wasnt a nub that would be crossed out) leave!

Although I support manga creation! woo! keep me updated x

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