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Vladimir's MCSG Story

Jul 22, 2012
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So, I've decided to tell you my story about MCSG. Wayyyy back to when I first started. So here you go.

Back before I started MCSG, I was always into this building server called Adam and Colin's Build Server. I was an Admin there and I just loved to express my creativity on that server. As an admin, I was always meeting new people, however I met this one player. One that I would become great friends with. His name is Halo_200. He was a cool guy, we turned into best friends instantaniously and we started to Skype many times a day for many hours. I found these amazing server, known as MCSG, around the end of May. I told Halo about them and we decided to check them out. We feel in love. The servers were well coded and had magnificent gameplay. We decided to make videos on the servers known as "The Minecraft Weekly Hunger Games". We made about 12 videos, posted them on both youtube and the MCSG website. After that, I decided to get more into this community.
I was looking around in the Clans and Teams section of the forums, found this clan called "Nitride". They had a low requirement for wins and skills so I decided to apply. After 10 minutes, I was accepted and added to the skype chat. I was tested to see how I fight in the MCSG servers. They approved. We spent many hours trying to fight and see if I could get even better than I was at PvP. I did. I got better at aiming and better at running.
About 3 months passed and Nitride wanted to build a map. A community MCSG map. We thought of ideas and decided to make a map about snowed in caves. We called the map "Solar Frost" and we probrably worked on it for about 5 days. I was on the server almost non-stop working on it. We submitted the map onto the forums, and in about a month, Solar Frost was accepted as an MCSG map. No one was given VIP back then due to VIP was only given by ChadTheDJ and I do not believe he gave it to map makers.
On September 9, 2012, I posted a Moderator Application. I posted that application at a bad time, due to apperently the moderator applications weren't being looked at during that time. I waited 3 months until I finally had the guts to poke two people about it. SixZoSeven and Antster360. SixZo did not reply however ant did and asked me to link it to him. He reviewed it and said that it was being forwarded to the other senior mods. Two days later, I received a reply on my moderator application. It stated that I was accepted and I would need to come onto TeamSpeak to do an interview. I was very excited, so I went onto the TeamSpeak right away and told me to wait a week for my interview. I was alright with it, so I waited and waited. I saw that two people got Senior Mod the day of my interview (or maybe a day before, I don't remember it was so long ago XD) GibboAssassin and life855. They were the same people that did my interview. I was their first actual interview, and I felt overjoyed. They interviewed me questions that I ask now, however it was a nerve-wracking experience. They moved me out and people started to talk to me about it. I was still nervous. Soon after I was dragged up and told that I had passed the interview. I jumped when I hard that I passed. They moved me to a channel with other moderators, where I got poked a million times with "congrats". I said thanks, then left to a channel where no one was in.

I was a very anti-social person when I became mod. Usually there was this one mod who would always come in and try to socialize with me, her name was NightmareKitten. I was never cooperating when she tried to let me be social. She had to drag me into channels to be social :/. However I got over being anti-social, I started to talk to the mods more and they became like family.
Six months passed from being mod and I was dragged up to a channel with one of the Community Managers and an Admin, me and a friend of mine, Krackan, were promoted to Senior Mod. We apprently were the most hard working and had no problems with others. I was taught by slasherxtreme on being a Senior Mod. All the info I learned from him. I became a successful Senior Mod, and I couldn't have done it without all of my moderator friends.


Dec 23, 2012
Reaction score
So, I've decided to tell you my story about MCSG. Wayyyy back to when I first started. So here you go.

Back before I started MCSG, I was always into this building server called Adam and Colin's Build Server. I was an Admin there and I just loved to express my creativity on that server. As an admin, I was always meeting new people, however I met this one player. One that I would become great friends with. His name is Halo_200. He was a cool guy, we turned into best friends instantaniously and we started to Skype many times a day for many hours. I found these amazing server, known as MCSG, around the end of May. I told Halo about them and we decided to check them out. We feel in love. The servers were well coded and had magnificent gameplay. We decided to make videos on the servers known as "The Minecraft Weekly Hunger Games". We made about 12 videos, posted them on both youtube and the MCSG website. After that, I decided to get more into this community.
I was looking around in the Clans and Teams section of the forums, found this clan called "Nitride". They had a low requirement for wins and skills so I decided to apply. After 10 minutes, I was accepted and added to the skype chat. I was tested to see how I fight in the MCSG servers. They approved. We spent many hours trying to fight and see if I could get even better than I was at PvP. I did. I got better at aiming and better at running.
About 3 months passed and Nitride wanted to build a map. A community MCSG map. We thought of ideas and decided to make a map about snowed in caves. We called the map "Solar Frost" and we probrably worked on it for about 5 days. I was on the server almost non-stop working on it. We submitted the map onto the forums, and in about a month, Solar Frost was accepted as an MCSG map. No one was given VIP back then due to VIP was only given by ChadTheDJ and I do not believe he gave it to map makers.
On September 9, 2012, I posted a Moderator Application. I posted that application at a bad time, due to apperently the moderator applications weren't being looked at during that time. I waited 3 months until I finally had the guts to poke two people about it. SixZoSeven and Antster360. SixZo did not reply however ant did and asked me to link it to him. He reviewed it and said that it was being forwarded to the other senior mods. Two days later, I received a reply on my moderator application. It stated that I was accepted and I would need to come onto TeamSpeak to do an interview. I was very excited, so I went onto the TeamSpeak right away and told me to wait a week for my interview. I was alright with it, so I waited and waited. I saw that two people got Senior Mod the day of my interview (or maybe a day before, I don't remember it was so long ago XD) GibboAssassin and life855. They were the same people that did my interview. I was their first actual interview, and I felt overjoyed. They interviewed me questions that I ask now, however it was a nerve-wracking experience. They moved me out and people started to talk to me about it. I was still nervous. Soon after I was dragged up and told that I had passed the interview. I jumped when I hard that I passed. They moved me to a channel with other moderators, where I got poked a million times with "congrats". I said thanks, then left to a channel where no one was in.

I was a very anti-social person when I became mod. Usually there was this one mod who would always come in and try to socialize with me, her name was NightmareKitten. I was never cooperating when she tried to let me be social. She had to drag me into channels to be social :/. However I got over being anti-social, I started to talk to the mods more and they became like family.
Six months passed from being mod and I was dragged up to a channel with one of the Community Managers and an Admin, me and a friend of mine, Krackan, were promoted to Senior Mod. We apprently were the most hard working and had no problems with others. I was taught by slasherxtreme on being a Senior Mod. All the info I learned from him. I became a successful Senior Mod, and I couldn't have done it without all of my moderator friends.
Just to read the white text..

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