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The Rebels (US Clan)

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Jan 20, 2013
Reaction score
MinecraftID: Keanu267
Age: 14
Donor: 3 month Iron
Wins: 175
Got Skype/TS: Both
Skype name (PM me if you don't want to post it): I'll pm it.
Got a mic: Yep
Timezone: EST
How often have you teamed with the Leaders/Officers: I have teamed with a lot of people in the Teamspeak, i'm in the Teamspeak everyday or if I can't be I try to go on as much as I can.
PvP Strengths: Secondary weapons and teams of 2.
PvP Weaknesses: Hackers and Fishing rods.
Past Clans (If any): no :(
You cool?: ye i real cool
Best puppy picture:


District 13
Jun 23, 2012
Reaction score
I'd like to remind applicants that the win requirement is still 200.

Yes, exceptions can be made and they have been made, but not everybody gets exceptions, and applicants who have gotten exceptions have gotten it through playing with us actively through TeamSpeak or skype, enough for us to judge there skill.

But then people would ask, "whats the point of having a win requirement if you just accept people on personality and skill?"

The reason for this is because if there wasn't a win requirement, a bunch of new players or noobs would apply making us have to observe and analyze too many people. With a win requirement, it's already a given that that person has enough skill to get hundreds of wins, and has skill, making it less hard and time consuming going through applicants.

Think of it like this:
No win requirement - 4 noobs apply, 3 mediocre players apply, 3 good people apply, 1 really good person applys.

Win requirement of 200 - 2 mediocre peoply apply, 4 good people apply, 1 really good person applys.

That's all I wanted to clarify, thanks <:>


Apr 20, 2012
Reaction score
I'm not complaining about the system, but if you play with the members on the teamspeak, skill doesn't matter anymore. An example is Duck. I'm not saying she sucks, but she's way under the 200 win requirement. But since she plays with you guys a lot she was accepted. And, if for example, a person with 1000 wins applies, but has never stepped in the teamspeak, they're going to be declined for not teaming with the members enough on the teamSpeak, even though their skill is evident in their win count.
The system is not bad, but I'd appreciate if you'd enforce the 200 win requirement a bit more. It doesn't take that long to get 200 wins if you already have a decent amount of wins already, and if people have a lot less, but are very confident of themselves, then they should be able to prove their skill somehow. Whether it'd be a 1v1, or any other means. #ImNotEvenInTheClanButImSayingThisCuzYoloSwegRite?


Jan 2, 2013
Reaction score
I'm not complaining about the system, but if you play with the members on the teamspeak, skill doesn't matter anymore. An example is Duck. I'm not saying she sucks, but she's way under the 200 win requirement. But since she plays with you guys a lot she was accepted. And, if for example, a person with 1000 wins applies, but has never stepped in the teamspeak, they're going to be declined for not teaming with the members enough on the teamSpeak, even though their skill is evident in their win count.
The system is not bad, but I'd appreciate if you'd enforce the 200 win requirement a bit more. It doesn't take that long to get 200 wins if you already have a decent amount of wins already, and if people have a lot less, but are very confident of themselves, then they should be able to prove their skill somehow. Whether it'd be a 1v1, or any other means. #ImNotEvenInTheClanButImSayingThisCuzYoloSwegRite?
Almost everyone in the clan has over two hundred wins so they are obviously inforcing the rule...



Apr 20, 2012
Reaction score
Almost everyone in the clan has over two hundred wins so they are obviously inforcing the rule...

Hmmm....well maybe the point wasn't really about enforcing the 200 wins thing, but about incredibly skilled players being denied due to not playing with the team before, but their skill being evident in their win count.
Mah bad :(


District 13
Jun 23, 2012
Reaction score
I'm not complaining about the system, but if you play with the members on the teamspeak, skill doesn't matter anymore. An example is Duck. I'm not saying she sucks, but she's way under the 200 win requirement. But since she plays with you guys a lot she was accepted. And, if for example, a person with 1000 wins applies, but has never stepped in the teamspeak, they're going to be declined for not teaming with the members enough on the teamSpeak, even though their skill is evident in their win count.
The system is not bad, but I'd appreciate if you'd enforce the 200 win requirement a bit more. It doesn't take that long to get 200 wins if you already have a decent amount of wins already, and if people have a lot less, but are very confident of themselves, then they should be able to prove their skill somehow. Whether it'd be a 1v1, or any other means. #ImNotEvenInTheClanButImSayingThisCuzYoloSwegRite?
Duckluv was accepted because of her anazing personality and help to the clan and the community.

And yes, skill does apply, it may not seem like it but it does, we just accepted Duckluv honestly, not because of her PvP but because of her combined anazingness.

Also, having 1000 wins doesn't necessarilly make you skillfull, it's true that usually people with 1000 wins would be more skillfull than people woth 200 wins, but that can not be proven without observing the persons PvP, they can just have a lot of free time and play a bunch of games, thus gaining more wins.

I've fought people with below 300 wins that were a harder fight than most people i've fought with over 1000 wins.

And about my previous post, I wasn't aiming it at anyone specifically.


Apr 20, 2012
Reaction score
I was just using her as an example.
And my head hurts and I can't think about what I just said and I'm really confused so let's just drop this argument now


Jun 1, 2012
Reaction score
I was just using her as an example.
And my head hurts and I can't think about what I just said and I'm really confused so let's just drop this argument now
I'm just going to make it simple, not trying to argue.

This clan is 75% personality, 25% skill imo. If you don't play with us, we don't know if we will like you or not. If we don't like you, we would have made the wrong choice if we were going to accept off of one's wins. If you are under the win requirement, and you really wanted to be in the clan, then that would ensure that you would have to team with us a lot to show us that you are dedicated, it will get us to know and like you, and then you are able to get the exception. That's why I believe we have the exception.

That wasn't simple, and I'm sorry xD Read it later if you have to, I have a headache too :p


Apr 20, 2012
Reaction score
I'm just going to make it simple, not trying to argue.

This clan is 75% personality, 25% skill imo. If you don't play with us, we don't know if we will like you or not. If we don't like you, we would have made the wrong choice if we were going to accept off of one's wins. If you are under the win requirement, and you really wanted to be in the clan, then that would ensure that you would have to team with us a lot to show us that you are dedicated, it will get us to know and like you, and then you are able to get the exception. That's why I believe we have the exception.

That wasn't simple, and I'm sorry xD Read it later if you have to, I have a headache too :p
No, it's fine...I understand what you said there.
You win imo.
I actually just have nothing else to say :p


Jun 1, 2012
Reaction score
Minecraft ID:eek:verthetop24
Donor: Not atm :(
Got Skype/TS:Yes
Skype name (PM me if you don't want to post it) OverthetopHD
Got a mic: A built in one, but its good enough
Timezone: EST
How often have you teamed with the Leaders/Officers:I have teamed with Omega, Uncrowded, and Turnip
PvP Strengths: Bows and knocking people into the lava on Demons Breeze
PvP Weaknesses: Teams of 3 and occasional lag
Past Clans (If any) I have been in #TheKings and #EliteSquad
You cool?: I'm cooler than a freezer. 8)
Best puppy picture:

I thought I should apply again since 2 people were accepted, btw grats to Newie and Rexy!
As stated before, you are already a trial member, but if you want to get accepted, you need to be more active on the ts. I don't know if you have been on in the past couple of days (vacation) but I haven't seen you on the ts, well, maybe once. Just a tip, but you better follow it if you want to get in :p


District 13
Jun 23, 2012
Reaction score
As stated before, you are already a trial member, but if you want to get accepted, you need to be more active on the ts. I don't know if you have been on in the past couple of days (vacation) but I haven't seen you on the ts, well, maybe once. Just a tip, but you better follow it if you want to get in :p
We should put a flashing red text on the front saying: JUST GET IN THE DAMN TEAMSPEAK.
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