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It would appear to be a Turnip


District 13
Dec 19, 2012
Reaction score
Hello wonderful community.

Many of you may already know me as either the guy who follows people, member of Elite Squad (disbanded), member of Rebels, or just that noob from down the road. :3

My IGN is MrTurnip_12 (Don't ask, I myself hate turnips. XD) I also go by my real name Scott.
If you ever see me in-game feel free to say Hi, while I don't team with randoms very often I do think of myself as a pretty fair person.

I have been playing MCSG since I got Minecraft in October 2012. I have acquired nearly 500 wins despite not being too good of a PVPer.
I have met many great friends though the forums and clans.

So if someone new is reading this, Become an active forumer, use proper grammar :p , Join a clan, and act friendly here. MCSG is truly a special community, (although we have our moments :3) Enjoy it and welcome. Also feel free to ask me any questions. I'll do my best to answer them :)

PS: If you want me to follow you, hit me up with a PM or a profile message.
PPS: I overuse emojis ;)

~That one Veggie you just might have heard of

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