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Lumnum's story.


Dec 8, 2012
Reaction score
Hello everyone, grab some popcorn and watch the magic happen. ;)
Alright I first started playing early July, late June-ish. I don't remember honestly. So I played for quite a bit, kind of nooby, but I quickly learned how the mechanics worked. I Skype teamed random people a lot, I met a lot of people but unfortunately I don't remember or know anyone from back then, except a guy named AwesomeAshley, I remember him mainly because I thought he was going to be a girl when I called him but turned out to be a male. Haha. Anyway lets hop scotch to December. December is when I got involved in the community, I got my 100th win in this time period, I met 2 people named E_M_I_N_E_M and the other guy I can't remember for the life of me :( Me and E_M_I_N_E_M raced to 100 wins, I got it first :D then about a week later they announced Canada servers coming out. I was extremely happy.

So I waited til Midnight on January 1st for the servers to come out, they didn't come out when they were suppose to so I went to sleep. I woke back up to find them open. I remember my first game. SG 2, I remember WalkerRed was in it, but I died trying to climb vines. Anyway I eventually got my first ca win. There were two people that were going ham on the servers SluttyPig and Kerbals . I was slowly catching up to them, but then eventually Kerbals left because he didn't want to leave his clan on the US servers. So then number 1 was SluttyPig for a bit, then a guy named flohoho caught up to him, then flohoho stopped playing for a while and lifed it. At the same time ChiefSmith12, Slam_Burger , ScrewYouGumby2 and I were about tied for wins. Then a guy named Maxx10680 beast mode'd the leaderboards, got #1 for a bit then stopped playing for a long time. Then Chief stopped playing, then Gumby, Slam and I caught up to SluttyPig.

Eventually Slam got banned, then SluttyPig got banned for inappropriate name. So it was me and Gumby. Then MCSG v2 came out, and me and Gumby were tied. Gumby stopped playing ca servers, so left me at #1. I was honestly pretty happy about it. So I was #1 for a LONG time, then someone named PancakeKojo RUSHED up the leaderboards, leaving me at #2, but one day I'll get him ;) I met a lot of people. Lets see if I can tag as much people as possible...
Screw that. That's gonna take forever.

Hopefully I didn't bore you guys, if you read this, here's a virtual hug. If you don't like hugs, then we'll work something out ;)

TL;DR - This is a story about me + The history of ca servers from my perspective.


Aug 18, 2012
Reaction score
I remember when the ca servers came out I got the first ca match ever! I was a proud Canadian, and after that I got 40 wins in 1.5 days and then I went back to us :p


May 19, 2012
Reaction score
I remember when the ca servers came out I got the first ca match ever! I was a proud Canadian, and after that I got 40 wins in 1.5 days and then I went back to us :p
I got three of them when you went to bed ;)

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