• Our Minecraft servers are offline but we will keep this forum online for any community communication. Site permissions for posting could change at a later date but will remain online.

Chrome | US

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Apr 22, 2012
Reaction score

This is Chrome.

"Success consists in being successful, not in having potential for success. Any wide piece of ground is the potential site of a palace, but there's no palace till it's built."
-Fernando Pessoa

Clan Launched: 31 July 2013

Teamspeak 3 IP: ts22.gameservers.com:9174
Members: 17
Staff: 6
Clan Battle Abr. Record: 5w/2l
We're the second oldest non-stop clan.

  • Have a minimum of 250 wins on MCGamer's Minecraft Survival Games servers.
  • Be at least 12 years of age at time of application submission.
  • Have Skype and TeamSpeak 3 installed on your computer.
  • Have a Microphone that functions.
  • Be active in the Chrome clan. (In-game, as well as on Skype)
  • Be respectful to all Chrome members, and members of other clans.
  • Respect the decisions of Chrome Administration and MCGamer Administraion.
  • Don't use any hacking client or modification not permitted on MCGamer.
  • Be mature.
  • Do not be in any other clan besides Chrome.
  • Have extensive knowledge of chest routes and call-outs for popular maps.
Failure to comply with these rules may lead to being kicked from the clan. These rules are subject to change and will be enforced by the Administration. If you aren't part of Chrome, and are disrespecting members of the clan, or the clan itself, actions may be taken upon you that will involve MCGamer Administration. Any form of harassment, bullying or intimidation is strictly prohibited and must be reported to Chrome and MCGamer Administration.

Joining this clan for solicitation purposes of any kind will result in a permanent removal from Chrome, and a permanent ban on all Chrome platforms.

If you're going to leave, don't bother applying. Clan hopping is not tolerated.

Abuse against anyone on Chrome's thread will be immediately reported to MCGamer Administration.

Number of wins on MCSG:
Do you have Skype (If so, what is your username)?:
Do you have Teamspeak 3 or TS3?:
Do you have a Mic?:
Have you teamed with anyone in the clan?:
Time Zone and Location:
How much time will you dedicate to our clan?:
Do you agree with the rules of this clan?:
What are your past clans?:
Final thoughts/remarks?:

You must complete all parts and questions, as well as qualify, to be eligible for membership in Chrome. Only Officers and their superiors may accept or decline applications. Senior Officers and Owners' decisions are final. If you are accepted you will be placed in a trial period.


Clan Administration:

Owner / Founder:
Alpha / Alphie_ / EpicAlpha64

Senior Officers / Co-Owners:
ag5647 / AggaliciousHD
YourFavoriteTreecko / XeroStyle1

Officers (Accepting Applications from Members)

1. Woofed
2. chaoskyurem
3. rcazilla23rocks
4. shadowblaze12

1. lolistwee
2. PorkProductions / Dr_Pork

3. furretfan137
4. Tyson_Chicken


Trial Members (2-7 day trials for incoming members):

1. Purge_Hawk1

On leave / Prolonged AFK (Contact Sr. Officer or Alpha):


Chrome's Friends and Honorary Members:

1. Dwarfman47
2. Denster91

There is a blacklist for players who are deemed unfit to be in Chrome. You can be placed in this list if you repeatedly leave, harass members of Chrome, or otherwise disrespect the clan. The blacklist is private to respect players' privacy, however you can PM myself or a senior officer to check if you are on this list.

(5w - 2l)

Chrome vs. Elysium 2-1 to Chrome (Not counted; game never finished)
Chrome vs. Royals 3-1 to Royals; #ThristIsTheWorst
Chrome vs. Omega 3-2 to Chrome
Chrome vs. Strikers 3-0 to Chrome
Chrome vs. Titans 3-2 to Titans (CA + 1 US)
Chrome vs. Shadow 3-1 to Chrome
Chrome vs. Kronic 3-1 to Chrome
Chrome vs. Paradox 2-1 to Chrome

Clan Wars Season 3 (JustHello)
Chrome vs. Forgotten 0:6 to Forgotten

Clan Wars Season 1 (techaton)
Chrome vs. Rebels 0:6 to

31 July 2013 - Chrome Founded
31 July 2013 - Thread Posted
7 December 2013 - New Plug.dj server! http://plug.dj/chrome-us-mcsg-clan/
14 December 2013 - Clan Battle held against Shadow. Chrome won 3-1.
15 December 2013 - Clan Battle held against Kronic. Chrome won 3-1.
22 December 2013 - Roster updated.
1 January 2013 - Chrome celebrates their 5th month as clan.
2 January 2014 - Roster Updated
4 January 2014 - Blockerville has been
promoted to Officer!
18 January 2014 - Chrome Hangouts launched. Foopy, Legit, Lolistwee and Dimond accepted for member.

Cheerleaders and Water Boys! (Sigma):
0. Kool_Kake
1. Yured
2. Blazin_420
3. Furretfan137
4. John123XD
5. mudpile
6. SpidersFTW
Chicken. Tyson_Chicken
8. Crayzae_Apple
9. Spo25
10. Carz
11. PlstemIheater
12. xMdgdandme
13. smashmaster
14. henryp
15. Cardinal
16. FrenchFried
17. Hankthetank2000
18. Flipzyy
19. mapking555
20. nbalegend01
21. Synd87
22. Cat_On_A_Poptart
23. Waleed
24. Sexy_Beast14
25. Knoble
26. resistancecorn12

To become an Officer, please Private Message, Alpha or a Senior Officer with the following application:
What is your IGN and Rank?:
How old are you?:
What experience do you have with Clans and Clan Moderation?
How long have you been apart of Chrome?:
What do you plan on accomplishing and doing for the clan?:
Will you be active? If so, how much time can you designate?:
Why do you deserve Officer instead of the next applicant?:
Will you be active with the forums, Skype and TS?:

One sentence responses to non-ordinal questions will be overlooked, minimal 12+ and 1 month in the clan. Grammar and spelling will affect your application. Lying may result in your termination from the clan, and inability to apply for Officer. (Not with activeness, that is obviously hard to predict). Please message me, or another Officer any questions! :)

Movie Night! Chromeflix!

Chrome Karaoke Night!

Chrome Hangouts Night!

Habib's Lectures on the Human Condition and Mankind's Great Strides in the Sciences Night!

Watch Alpha Cry When He Dies In Super Hexagon Night!

Watch Habib Yell At Alex For Skipping His Song In Plug.Dj Night!
Last edited:


Nov 24, 2012
Reaction score
IGN: Horseie64
Wins?: 188
Age?: 13
Do you have Skype and TS?: I perfer Skype
Skype Username (You can PM me it): ChuckStick
Does your Mic work? Yes
Have you teamed with the Owner or any Officers?: No, but I have teamed with Grant
PvP and MCSG Strengths: League of Legends, running, harrasing people
PvP and MCSG Weaknesses: Block-hitting, teams of 5
How much time will you dedicate to our clan?: 24/7, nah I don't know
Do you agree with the rules of this clan?: YES I DO


Apr 22, 2012
Reaction score
IGN: Horseie64
Wins?: 188
Age?: 13
Do you have Skype and TS?: I perfer Skype
Skype Username (You can PM me it): ChuckStick
Does your Mic work? Yes
Have you teamed with the Owner or any Officers?: No, but I have teamed with Grant
PvP and MCSG Strengths: League of Legends, running, harrasing people
PvP and MCSG Weaknesses: Block-hitting, teams of 5
How much time will you dedicate to our clan?: 24/7, nah I don't know
Do you agree with the rules of this clan?: YES I DO
Grant's not in the clan, but welcome to Chrome.



District 13
Jan 25, 2013
Reaction score
IGN: Sim_man
Wins?: 300
Age?: 12
Do you have Skype and TS?: Both
Skype Username (You can PM me it): sim_man-rocks
Does your Mic work? Yes
Have you teamed with the Owner or any Officers?: Used to team with u epic
PvP and MCSG Strengths: Bow Sword fish rod and fns
PvP and MCSG Weaknesses: Water fights
How much time will you dedicate to our clan?: a lot
Do you agree with the rules of this clan?: Yes


Dec 25, 2012
Reaction score
IGN: IxLegendz
Wins?: 140
Age?: 12 13 in a week
Do you have Skype and TS?: Both and a TS Server
Skype Username (You can PM me it): IxLegendz
Does your Mic work? Bueatifully
Have you teamed with the Owner or any Officers?: Well theres only you and Horise But I have Sim_Man
PvP and MCSG Strengths: Bow, FnS, juking
PvP and MCSG Weaknesses: Tag teams
How much time will you dedicate to our clan?: Too much xD
Do you agree with the rules of this clan?: Yessir


Apr 22, 2012
Reaction score
IGN: Sim_man
Wins?: 300
Age?: 12
Do you have Skype and TS?: Both
Skype Username (You can PM me it): sim_man-rocks
Does your Mic work? Yes
Have you teamed with the Owner or any Officers?: Used to team with u epic
PvP and MCSG Strengths: Bow Sword fish rod and fns
PvP and MCSG Weaknesses: Water fights
How much time will you dedicate to our clan?: a lot
Do you agree with the rules of this clan?: Yes
ACCEPTED. DELTA. 300 isn't 293. xD


Apr 22, 2012
Reaction score
IGN: IxLegendz
Wins?: 140
Age?: 12 13 in a week
Do you have Skype and TS?: Both and a TS Server
Skype Username (You can PM me it): IxLegendz
Does your Mic work? Bueatifully
Have you teamed with the Owner or any Officers?: Well theres only you and Horise But I have Sim_Man
PvP and MCSG Strengths: Bow, FnS, juking
PvP and MCSG Weaknesses: Tag teams
How much time will you dedicate to our clan?: Too much xD
Do you agree with the rules of this clan?: Yessir
ACCEPTED. OMEGA. Please be honest about wins.

IGN: Sim_man
Wins?: 300
Age?: 12
Do you have Skype and TS?: Both
Skype Username (You can PM me it): sim_man-rocks
Does your Mic work? Yes
Have you teamed with the Owner or any Officers?: Used to team with u epic
PvP and MCSG Strengths: Bow Sword fish rod and fns
PvP and MCSG Weaknesses: Water fights
How much time will you dedicate to our clan?: a lot
Do you agree with the rules of this clan?: Yes
ACCEPTED. DELTA. Please be honest about wins.

Application: Accept me thx!
#FollowTheTemplate -.-


Apr 22, 2012
Reaction score
What about my application?

Wins? (Be Honest):
Do you have Skype and TS?:
Skype Username (You can PM me it):
Does your Mic work?
Have you teamed with the Owner or any Officers?:
PvP and MCSG Strengths:
PvP and MCSG Weaknesses:
How much time will you dedicate to our clan?:
Do you agree with the rules of this clan?:
be serious plz i phan
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