I'm pretty good at running, does that count?
(Serious mode on
) - Actually running is a technique as well. How you run determines your win. Would you run in tight spaces when you're low on hearts and do not have the confidence to overcome the terrain you're about to face? Running takes practice too. You need to let your finger's flow and double tap "W". If not, you'll be facing the thing everyone hates when getting chased. You guessed it, wobble sprint. Next, running into the forest is a big issue you'll be facing as well. Knowing where to run is one, and overcoming traps is another.
Never stumble across a dead end, you do not like it. Dead ends can sometimes be good and sometimes not. If you're good on hearts and you think you can take on the guy, turn around and bring him closer to the "wall"/"dead end". The other option is Flint and Steel. After leading your enermy to a dead end, please burn them (and run unless you wnt to fight back) or you're dead. The badthing about facing a dead end is what I call, wall hit.. Your opponent hit's you to a corner of a dead end and get a combo on you, that is bad.. What I do, I'll block hit to increase the chance of me surviving with at least half a heart.
Running into a good trap where you can activate is good too, but make sure you won't get trapped yourself. Also, when you're running don't forget about your hunger. Hunger is very important as it will last you during a run. If you're regaining health, it's good but once you're out of regaining hunger, good luck. I suggest eat when you need to no matter how hard your enermy hit's you. If you're at 5-6 hearts, eat something and continue running. More hunger is better than no hunger. Eat safe, a very important thing you should take note. Eat food that has the highest saturation for example porkchops, steak and golden carrots. This food is good because you don't have to eat again in another hour or so, therefore you can run in a onger distance without eating again and again.