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Epic's MCSG Story Of Donkeys


Feb 18, 2013
Reaction score
Since This has become a trend now, I mean what the heck?! Why not make my own? :D

My story begins with me playing cod mw2 at my friends house. We used to play split screen all the time and have so much fun. I got into cod a little more, and so I made a youtube account and started watching Syndicate's cod videos, I thought he was so awesome. At that time, my older brother got a minecraft account and started playing survival. One day on my youtube account I saw The Hunger Games video that Syndicate posted. I enjoyed it so much, and I started subscribing to other people, such as BajanCanadian, SkyDoesMinecraft, and many more. I saw Bajan's, hunger games vids and I so badly wanted to play on that server. *Note before all that happened I got an xbox live account Named EpicDonkey88. After playing on the server with my brothers account, canknowa. I decided I wanted a minecraft account. I tried making the name EpicDonkey88, but it was taken, so I went with EpicDonkey66. After that I began playing mcsg more and more often. Soon I reached 50 wins and thought I could take on anyone. One time I was playing on a 48 player server and met BurningFire213 . He said he made a clan and I asked him what the name was, and he said Hurricanes. I made a forums account. And decided to apply. I was the 2nd one to be in the Hurricanes. I began making friends with other players. For example, I was playing on a 48 player server, and I saw snoopyk9 with full enchanted iron armor :p There was a guy there and I asked him to team on snoopy. We killed him and then I died later on in the game. Me and snoopy teamed the next round and we became friends. :) At that point I hit 100 wins and was very happy. I began skyrocketting in wins and then something bad happened. Clan Wars s2. The Hurricanes faced Forgotten and we got crushed 8-0. Everyone began leaving and the clan disbanded. But then, CaptainJS decided to make #United and I joined right away. I was happy with that clan and where I am at the moment.

Here is a list of people who I'd like to thank for being awesome.

Jon | Lqzer

Nov 17, 2012
Reaction score
Since This has become a trend now, I mean what the heck?! Why not make my own? :D

My story begins with me playing cod mw2 at my friends house. We used to play split screen all the time and have so much fun. I got into cod a little more, and so I made a youtube account and started watching Syndicate's cod videos, I thought he was so awesome. At that time, my older brother got a minecraft account and started playing survival. One day on my youtube account I saw The Hunger Games video that Syndicate posted. I enjoyed it so much, and I started subscribing to other people, such as BajanCanadian, SkyDoesMinecraft, and many more. I saw Bajan's, hunger games vids and I so badly wanted to play on that server. *Note before all that happened I got an xbox live account Named EpicDonkey88. After playing on the server with my brothers account, canknowa. I decided I wanted a minecraft account. I tried making the name EpicDonkey88, but it was taken, so I went with EpicDonkey66. After that I began playing mcsg more and more often. Soon I reached 50 wins and thought I could take on anyone. One time I was playing on a 48 player server and met BurningFire213 . He said he made a clan and I asked him what the name was, and he said Hurricanes. I made a forums account. And decided to apply. I was the 2nd one to be in the Hurricanes. I began making friends with other players. For example, I was playing on a 48 player server, and I saw snoopyk9 with full enchanted iron armor :p There was a guy there and I asked him to team on snoopy. We killed him and then I died later on in the game. Me and snoopy teamed the next round and we became friends. :) At that point I hit 100 wins and was very happy. I began skyrocketting in wins and then something bad happened. Clan Wars s2. The Hurricanes faced Forgotten and we got crushed 8-0. Everyone began leaving and the clan disbanded. But then, CaptainJS decided to make #United and I joined right away. I was happy with that clan and where I am at the moment.

Here is a list of people who I'd like to thank for being awesome.
Nice! ;)

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