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Henry's MCSG Story


Dec 6, 2012
Reaction score
My mcsg story started back last year when it was in the beta stage and there was just sg1 and sg2. I found these servers one day when I was bored and just searching up random stuff on the internet and I came across these servers and started to play them. As most players do I started out as a complete nub and would run to the edge of the map and hug it and try survive until deathmatch where I would always just die. Over time I improved and the first player I ever teamed with on Skype was TTGxHackzz. Over time on the servers I formed some great friends who I will mention shortly. Then sometime around Octoberish 2012 I was in a call with ImKatnissEverdeen and from there a secret group was formed called Tadus and I have enjoyed some great times with them ever since.

Here is a list of people I feel have been important in my mcsg time:
TTGxHackzz - You were the first guy I ever Skype teamed with and you were always nice and we had some great times
Mjwick - Even though you haven't played mcsg for a long time I still remember the times we had back in early beta and watching mcsg progress. You taught me lots about pvp and for that I am forever grateful. You also introduced me to another great mate of mine here Philly67.
Philly67 - I've known you for a long time from way back before you were a mod or vip and we have had some very fun games together. You are someone I know I can trust to have my back and I will always remember our teams from us and Mjwick to us and Reven86.
Reven86 - I have also known you for a very long time well back before you were a mod and we have had some brilliant times together and you are another player I can always rely on. Even more recently just playing with you has really helped me to improve my pvp and I am thankful for this.
dognitro8 - You are also one of my oldest friends on mcsg and although we haven't really played in recent times I have missed you. We had some great times playing together heaps and I will always remember these times fondly.
ImKatnissEverdeen - I will always remember our call that started something brilliant and amazing. we've had some great times playing together aunty #DrowningBuddies4Lyfe!
Spike11 - Once again you've been a great friend during my mcsg journey at all hours of the day. don't forget ussssssssssssssss.
zorrodc - At first I hardly played with you but over time I played with you more and have come to really like and appreciate you. I'll always remember the game you played with xXSkyXx and Gravey4rd where you tried to drown <3.
xXSkyXx - Another great mate during my time here at mcsg and im sad you decided to stop playing mcsg. Hopefully one day you may come back.
Gravey4rd - I never played heaps of games with you but when I did it was always fun. I remember you getting to 1000 wins and becoming #1 and was proud to know you.
Sorry if I forgot anyone, I can always edit the post


Feb 17, 2013
Reaction score
My mcsg story started back last year when it was in the beta stage and there was just sg1 and sg2. I found these servers one day when I was bored and just searching up random stuff on the internet and I came across these servers and started to play them. As most players do I started out as a complete nub and would run to the edge of the map and hug it and try survive until deathmatch where I would always just die. Over time I improved and the first player I ever teamed with on Skype was TTGxHackzz. Over time on the servers I formed some great friends who I will mention shortly. Then sometime around Octoberish 2012 I was in a call with ImKatnissEverdeen and from there a secret group was formed called Tadus and I have enjoyed some great times with them ever since.

Here is a list of people I feel have been important in my mcsg time:
TTGxHackzz - You were the first guy I ever Skype teamed with and you were always nice and we had some great times
Mjwick - Even though you haven't played mcsg for a long time I still remember the times we had back in early beta and watching mcsg progress. You taught me lots about pvp and for that I am forever grateful. You also introduced me to another great mate of mine here Philly67.
Philly67 - I've known you for a long time from way back before you were a mod or vip and we have had some very fun games together. You are someone I know I can trust to have my back and I will always remember our teams from us and Mjwick to us and Reven86.
Reven86 - I have also known you for a very long time well back before you were a mod and we have had some brilliant times together and you are another player I can always rely on. Even more recently just playing with you has really helped me to improve my pvp and I am thankful for this.
dognitro8 - You are also one of my oldest friends on mcsg and although we haven't really played in recent times I have missed you. We had some great times playing together heaps and I will always remember these times fondly.
ImKatnissEverdeen - I will always remember our call that started something brilliant and amazing. we've had some great times playing together aunty #DrowningBuddies4Lyfe!
Spike11 - Once again you've been a great friend during my mcsg journey at all hours of the day. don't forget ussssssssssssssss.
zorrodc - At first I hardly played with you but over time I played with you more and have come to really like and appreciate you. I'll always remember the game you played with xXSkyXx and Gravey4rd where you tried to drown <3.
xXSkyXx - Another great mate during my time here at mcsg and im sad you decided to stop playing mcsg. Hopefully one day you may come back.
Gravey4rd - I never played heaps of games with you but when I did it was always fun. I remember you getting to 1000 wins and becoming #1 and was proud to know you.
Sorry if I forgot anyone, I can always edit the post
Miss you too:(

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