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Crackersauce's Super Tips 'n' Tricks Guide!


May 4, 2013
Reaction score
Alright so I'll be explaining some tips and tricks on how to get better on MCSG , some of you may know these tips and some may not. So this is a great survival book on how to not die! Lets get right into the tips which will be revolved around in actual game-play.

#1 - Here we will be talking about escaping corn without dying! First of all , I recommend going for corn because it's an easy way to get good armor , food and maybe even weapons! But if you want to be super safe then I recommend not going to corn. There are many scenarios and I will be explaining 2. Lets just say that you run to a chest and obtain some really good armor BUT there's no weapon to be found. Just run away , don't look in other chests . The main reason I tell you to run is because some people obtain all sorts of lethal weapons like stone swords & axes. Also , never put on your armor unless you have a weapon because this makes lethal opponents aim for you .And there you go! You've successfully escaped corn with good loot! Now another case is if you get the weapon. This allows you to basically kill anyone you want . But I'd suggest that you look for people who have put on their armor and kill them because this allows you to become very overpowered . But watch out! There may be other people who charge for corn and get weapons so if these people target you , try and kill them but if you don't think you can , simply run away. Now this is the escaping corn part of the super guide!

#2 - Now that you've escaped corn with hopefully some good armor or a weapon. This part is essential to being a good player. You must know where Tier 2 chests are. Tier 2 chests are chests that are a bit more challenging to get / find compared to your average chest. But if you can find one , they are very rewarding , they supply you with armor greater than leather , contain golden apples ( Which are extremely overpowered now) , they can give you diamonds and very filling food. So watching youtubers play doesn't hurt at all because they can show you where the better chests are in different maps. So , what I'm trying to tell you is , know your chests and also know how to navigate around maps sufficiently .

#3 - This may be one of the most difficult obstacles in a game , double teams. These are basically 2 people who decide to form an alliance which makes it very difficult for them to be taken out. Although it's a relatively good strategy to form alliances , I'd advise against it because killing someone by yourself is what makes you better , not relying on a team member to carry you on his back. And also getting killed by a double team is infuriating and makes many people extremely angry , even me sometimes. So the main key to taking out a double team is by using Flint & Steel (FnS) This only has 4 uses so use it wisely . I'd recommend going into a 1 block thick doorway and putting fire into the entrance , the odds are that at least one of the members of the team will be set on fire. Now if you're in this situation , you have 2 choices , to either run away and regenerate or go in for the kill. Honestly , I would go in and kill the teammate that was lit on fire because you may not get another chance like this. If you've successfully killed one of the members, I'd advise that you run like the wind! The other team member will try and clean up the mess by killing you so running is your only option. And remember you've still got 3 uses of that fire! So try your luck with fire and if you're successful , the person will either run away which leads to an easy kill or he will keep chasing . Either way though , this person you've lit on fire is dead meat! So you run in and BAM! You've killed the team! Now all you have to do is pat yourself on the shoulder because you have accomplished something that is very difficult to.

#4 - Now we're hoping that you have some pretty good armor by now. Now you wait for the chests to refill! This happens at the 16 minute mark ( Type /tl to see how much time you have left. ) and all the chests refill with brand new top tier loot! I'd definitely suggest that you go for corn for refill. so be patient and hide until refill happens. If anyone tries to steal your loot , just sneak up on them and it's pretty much game over for them . The element of surprise is very powerful and not many escape from you if you sneak up on them. Also , pick the right moment to do so like if they're crafting or looking in a chest because the GUI blocks their peripheral vision making it very difficult to see their surroundings. Now the chests have refilled! Take everything , there will be Flint and Steels in chests which come into our next plan. Now you have all the armor and resources you need and there's just this bunch of extra loot that you don't need. Burn it all. Make sure nobody can take the extra armor and I'm pretty sure that 1 FnS use wouldn't do much harm. So now you are the super overpowered player in the game!

#5 - So we're assuming that it goes into death-match relatively quickly . Remember to be smart, what I normally do which has many names but I call it being a 'crow' . Basically what you do is you wait for the others to fight it out and one player will die leaving the other weak. So you swoop in and kill him while he's weak and there we go! A win!

Now here are some random tips that you could put to good use.

Blockhitting - This is the act of left clicking and right clicking at the same time in combat. What it does is it wields the chance of halving the damage done to you whilst hitting at the same time. It makes a cool animation on your screen but in reality , you look pretty dumb . You can tell if somebody is blockhitting if they make an animation that looks like their sword is going into their face or a combing your hair animation. Sorry I can't really give a good example of what it looks like but you can click F5 twice and start block hitting to see the animation. So back on track , this strategy is only good if you're in a tight space. The reason why this is present is because it's almost impossible to move when block hitting and if you're in a tight space , moving isn't really necessary so blockhitting's the way to go! But keep in mind that you will be called a noob for blockhitting because some people think that it requires no skill but who cares? The legendary 'ThatOneTomahawk' is literally the master of blockhitting and is he a noob? No he's not!

Strafing - Now this is my favorite form of strategy called 'strafing' . What you do is when you're in a battle , you try to jump around your opponent so s/he has to turn around to attack you which can allow you to land multiple hits on your target and getting the first hit on your target normally ends in you winning the battle. Not always though. You can see some very skilled players like Blamph and SirShmoopies do this technique which is a bit more harder to pull off , but can allow you to kill opponents with better gear than you.

Jumping - This form of strategy is one of the more rarer ones. What you do is you hold your jump button whilst attacking to try and get a 'critical' hit. These are hits which do extra damage to your opponent which can be very helpful. You can tell that you've landed a critical hit on your enemy if you've hit them and orange sparkles appear.

Teaming - Now before you all hate on me , I'm not encouraging teams . I'm saying that you shouldn't 'text' team. This is the act of having to talk to your teammate through typing. This can lead to many deaths due to not paying attention. If you're gonna team , do it with someone you know in reality and can be communicated to through a type of chat software such as Skype or Teamspeak. But here ladies and gentlemen is where it gets evil. A form of strategy you could do is 'text' team but wait for your teammate to get good gear and when the time is right , KILL THEM! That's right , kill them. Any team member has the potential to backstab you so why don't you do it to them before they do it to you? How is jefeperro so successful? He backstabs which is what he's famous for! And I actually think that it is a legitimate strategy. This is a simple way to get good gear without really doing anything!

Alright so these are just about all the tips I know of and hopefully , I helped you out in someway!
I used all of these techniques and I'm turning out to be above average! (250+ Wins). So try out some of these techniques and hopefully you become a better player!

Here are some pictures of what some animations look like:
Jumping ( Critical hits ) -

Incase you're still not sure of what blockhitting looks like , here's a picture -

So I'm very sorry that I couldn't get the greatest pictures but I hope you get the gist of what they look like!

Here are the youtubers I mentioned earlier!
Blamph: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC56Xg95sd_LBkAueJ5p6GoA
ThatOneTomahawk: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpr25HXdBHjXxitvThcQgHQ
SirShmoopies: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLLJKv6YlYaua_rqnGYIQnA


District 13
Jul 8, 2012
Reaction score
Nice but I recommend colours and pictures or videos so its more easy to read


May 4, 2013
Reaction score
Alright so I've added some colors and pictures! I hope the thread isn't too difficult to understand!

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