• Our Minecraft servers are offline but we will keep this forum online for any community communication. Site permissions for posting could change at a later date but will remain online.

Thank You

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Jun 7, 2012
Reaction score
I have created this thread to give a big thanks to all the staff here at minecraftsurvivalgames.com. They have all worked so hard for our entertainment. and they all must go through a lot of stress between life and this website. They have to maintain servers and keep the site in good condition. I'd like to also thank the mods for keeping the servers clean of offenders. I know I can't mention them all but I have three people to thank. First of all, ChadTheDj. He brought this thriving communit into existence. And he works a lot to keep it up. But I can't give all the credit to him. He's has amazing developers who created this site and the servers. I'd like to also thank karoleigh. Because she has to go through a TON of moderator applications. She gets like 10-20 a day. She keeps up had works and gets through all those. And I'd also like to thank variede for creating all these amazing maps for us to enjoy and survive in. I can't indivually include all these people. But they have done so much for us. The administrators, the mods, the developers, the sr.mods. They all play a huge roll in the survival games community. If it weren't for a single one of them. Where would this place be? With all these hacker attacks rolling around, that adds more obstacles to overcome. Between moving the site and updating the servers. I'm not all in that junk but I think all these hardworking people deserve a huge thank you. That is why this thread is here. Post whatever you want in the responses. It can be a thank you or a correction to my spelling. It can really be whatever but I just wanted to acknoledge these amazing people.


Staff member
Apr 15, 2012
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:3 thank you, I needed this to cheer me up as it has been a long weekend.... I took a large risk starting this community (both time and money) and it has been one of the best decisions I have ever done. Thank you again for your words as this is reason why I did this as everyone is so appreciative what we are doing here.


Apr 25, 2012
Reaction score
Well thank you. With the community we wouldn't be here either.


Apr 21, 2012
Reaction score
Even though I am just a Moderator, this does mean a lot. Thank you for realizing what we do. :)


I have created this thread to give a big thanks to all the staff here at minecraftsurvivalgames.com. They have all worked so hard for our entertainment. and they all must go through a lot of stress between life and this website. They have to maintain servers and keep the site in good condition. I'd like to also thank the mods for keeping the servers clean of offenders. I know I can't mention them all but I have three people to thank. First of all, ChadTheDj. He brought this thriving communit into existence. And he works a lot to keep it up. But I can't give all the credit to him. He's has amazing developers who created this site and the servers. I'd like to also thank karoleigh. Because she has to go through a TON of moderator applications. She gets like 10-20 a day. She keeps up had works and gets through all those. And I'd also like to thank variede for creating all these amazing maps for us to enjoy and survive in. I can't indivually include all these people. But they have done so much for us. The administrators, the mods, the developers, the sr.mods. They all play a huge roll in the survival games community. If it weren't for a single one of them. Where would this place be? With all these hacker attacks rolling around, that adds more obstacles to overcome. Between moving the site and updating the servers. I'm not all in that junk but I think all these hardworking people deserve a huge thank you. That is why this thread is here. Post whatever you want in the responses. It can be a thank you or a correction to my spelling. It can really be whatever but I just wanted to acknoledge these amazing people.

C4 deserves a lot of credit and thanks, as well. He and I have been working with Chad since the very early stages of this whole shindig. For the longest time, it was just him, Nooby, and I moderating 1,000 slots. On our own. Thankfully we've come a long way since then.

I ♥ this community.


District 13
May 5, 2012
Reaction score
Indeed, the staff is great :)
Thanks for your time people to give us an amazing experience. :)
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