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banned for the second time with out playing

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Jul 12, 2013
Reaction score
Hello community,
I use to have a sprint mod which would do no other then make me sprint the normal speed and prevent me from having to double tap. I dident think this was breaking any rules as it was ok on other servers. Unfortunatly i was picked up on it and as a result i got a 7 day temp bann. I found that temp bann reasonable even tho i had no idear it wasent allowed. The punishment was fair and after several days of waiting it came to an end. Making sure the insident dident occur again i turned off my sprint mod and was just another player of the game. Unfortunately another staff member saw the video that was posted of my print hacks, not awear of that date of the video or my previous punishment and perm banned me from mcsg servers. I am deeply disapointed as i have played lots of mcsg in my minecraft history getting over 2000 points. I realised my mistake and dident let it happen again but the same video has resulted in me getting punished again and this time more strickly. I am deeply appolegetic to the players and staff members if i have effected anyones enjoyment in a negative way. Please unban me for i have already been punished. I love mcsg and i hope you will i am unbaned soon. Thankyou for hearing me out. -Top_Lambo_624


Apr 27, 2013
Reaction score
Hello community,
I use to have a sprint mod which would do no other then make me sprint the normal speed and prevent me from having to double tap. I dident think this was breaking any rules as it was ok on other servers. Unfortunatly i was picked up on it and as a result i got a 7 day temp bann. I found that temp bann reasonable even tho i had no idear it wasent allowed. The punishment was fair and after several days of waiting it came to an end. Making sure the insident dident occur again i turned off my sprint mod and was just another player of the game. Unfortunately another staff member saw the video that was posted of my print hacks, not awear of that date of the video or my previous punishment and perm banned me from mcsg servers. I am deeply disapointed as i have played lots of mcsg in my minecraft history getting over 2000 points. I realised my mistake and dident let it happen again but the same video has resulted in me getting punished again and this time more strickly. I am deeply appolegetic to the players and staff members if i have effected anyones enjoyment in a negative way. Please unban me for i have already been punished. I love mcsg and i hope you will i am unbaned soon. Thankyou for hearing me out. -Top_Lambo_624
If you make a ban dispute, and try and explain to one of the senior mods i'm sure they will sort you out. A similar scenario happened with me. I called a member in the chat the "c" word as a joke and somebody picked up on it as abuse and reported me, i served my ban and moved on, around 3 weeks later, i was banned for abuse. The same perosn must've accidntly submitted it twice. |-^-^-| The sr mod that banned me, didn't come online for 3 days after he showed me the evidence so i couldn't get it sorted before my ban had nearly lasted out the full time period. Luckily, i mailed my good friend Joshkey and he sorted out the whole thing for me :)
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