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My story...Plz read i fan


Dec 31, 2012
Reaction score
Well this is gonna take a bloody long time to write, but hey I've got to start with the start so...
IT ALL STARTED WITH THE BIG BANG AND - Nah jk, I'll start in 2011 <sidenote> I dont know the months and stuff, so i'll go in years </sidenote>
2011-I started to watch a guy called syndicate on youtube who played COD, I really liked him so eventually I checked out some of his non-COD related videos, I found minecraft, I watched his videos but never played MC classic or bought it. I then started to watch a guy called CACox97 who made nerf videos, (I was 10 so I LOVED nerf, I dont anymore) and he said in one of his videos "Im going to make a lets play" I searched up "lets play" and found "MINECRAFT" since minecraft has tons of lets play videos, I obviously already knew about it, but I didn't buy it, hell I didn't know how the f*ck the internet worked back then so I didn't even know minecraft had a website. I was passing by the computer room one day, and I heard my brother shout out "F*CK I DIDNT PLACE THAT SH!TTY BLOCK THERE" I came in and long and behold he was playing minecraft classic...I started playing it as well (on his account "dreamer1245" or something like that".
Later that year-I eventually persuaded my mum to buy me "minecraft" and I was a total noob (not "dirt house noob" but still pretty bad) Back then I didnt play multiplayer because on the MC home screen it said "Minecraft may have bugs" and I though "bugs" meant "viruses". I started working on a world for about 6 months legit and then...
2012 rolls around-I finally have the guts to start playing multiplayer, I start learning about mods and so on, and eventually later that year I found out about "THE MINECRAFT HUNGER GAMES" YAYAYAYYAYAYAY, I had read all the books and I wanted to play it in minecraft! I search up some minecraft huger games servers and eventually find a server which was basically the PvPareana plugin with spawnpoints as podiums and "chests: true". I became a pro and got board of this server and eventually found out that "The minecraft hunger games" was actually "The Survival games" I search up "survival games servers" and find MCSG!!!! I SUCKED so I searched up "minecraft mods that will help in pvp" and found nodus :(:(:(. I used it and never got caught. I was in my prime! I was at 40 wins in only 3 months (pathetic even with hacks) and I met a teammate...@skeletonboss he also used hacks and we were the hacker buddies. But eventually SkeletonBoss stopped using hacks and called them nooby, which thay are, so I stopped too (THANK GOD)
2012 october-december- I got banned...:O I was extremely annoyed as I didn't actually use hacks, it was only a week temp ban so I didn't dispute and also because I new I deserved it for the hacking I had done before I had stopped...Also I didn't know how. Eventually after my ban had gone, I was in a server and I met GeneralTrouth , I had watched hm play MCSG a few times on youtube and I freaked out! I asked him to team and he said YES! YES; YES; YE; dsftuyhfjgecwyuf.I added him on skype and SkeletonBoss told me to join his clan, like he had, now at this point I was at around 60 wins and SkeletonBoss was at around 150. I joined and in turn, made a forum account, I eventually became active and so on, I eventually left The Generals (@GeneralTrouth 's clan) and started going in and out of clans.
2013- Lets skip to MCSGv2 shall we? Because of the merge in leader boards I ever actually properly got my 100th win, and thats why, when people ask why I did not record my 100th wins, is because I never got it; Let me explain I was at 90 wins on EU servers, and 14 wins on US servers therefore when the US Leader board came together with the EU leader board I jumped to 104 wins.I had met many people by now, who Ill list later, but eventually I decided that minecraft was taking over my life, so about a month ago, I asked officially to be banned on the MCSG servers. Since then I have gotten into scootering and BMXing, and many other things, I mean you cant play minecraft forever, right?
Now to the thank-yous.

SkeletonBoss Thankyou for being the best friend ever, and even though your the biggest rager ever, I dont think I'll ever forget you.

GeneralTrouth Who left ages ago, but thank-you so much for telling me about the forums and about clans.

Minialan9 Best guy, Finniest guy you'll ever meet

NoahSailer The player who unknowingly helped me so much in pvp

Tree_TheBigKind My fav builder of all time

Zimpley ZniZ97 Best mods ever right there.

Lululioness I met her on a server and not on the forums believe it or not.

Honeypoo10 Great guy, keep playing honey

Its weird, I often see people thank ChadTheDJ for MCSG...But I will not only thank him, but I'll also thank Vareide for coming up with the IDEA or MCSG

Suzanne Colins - For writing "The Hunger Games" because without the hunegr games Vareide would have never come up with MCSG and ChadTheDJ would have never made these servers.

YOU GUYS - I love you all, and I am SO SO SO Sorry if I didnt list you above but I still love you!

Well, there it was, took about half an hour to write, there are probably tons of mistakes in there , have fun reading it, Otto loves you.

TL;DR I've had an awesome time at MCSG and in life.


Aug 5, 2012
Reaction score
Yeah, even though we only ever talked about twice, I loved how you were really chill, most moderators are really stiff. Stay sexy.

Thats what she said.
I will <3


Aug 10, 2012
Reaction score
Nice story. It's nice to see that you liked generalthrouth because he used to to ask me to team and he was a cool guy.


Dec 31, 2012
Reaction score
Nice story. It's nice to see that you liked generalthrouth because he used to to ask me to team and he was a cool guy.
Yeah we was, its sad to see him leave the community after making so many good friends in it.

Just like me?

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