The BackStory Behind This: Basically, A random person (We will call him Jimmy) Is bored one day at home on the sofa, wondering what to watch. He flicks through all the channels until his tv remote breaks on one specific channel (My Little Pony). Jimmy, tries to fix it but he simply cannot because he is Jimmy, NOT JOE THE FIXER (Bob The builder's Cousin). So After a while Jimmy decides to watch some of it. He soon finds that it isn't that bad and calls his friend (Let's call him Fred). Fred hears the word and tells everyone (These people are Joseph, Winston, Tyrone and Sammy) Joseph tells everyone on Facebook, Winston tells everyone on Twitter, Tyrone Makes a big deal out of it on Tumblr. But Sammy, Hears word and he spreads it over Minecraft. By this time the world has gone insane with My Little Pony. (So Mad People Have Even started calling these male fans "Bronies"). MJM239 Caught word of this and made it his duty to spread the good word about bronies worldwide.
My views: It's a show designed for little girls and it is not cool, nor fashionable to like it so grow up and stop trying to act like you're a little girl. I get it's all a joke but in all seriousness the whole idea of teen males watching this show and trying to make a name for it, is not going to last. Take the Harlem Shake for example, it was funny and cool to do for a while but then it got old and nobody does it anymore, that's what I Feel "Will" & "Should" Happen with the Whole idea of "Bronies".
Daniel <33333333