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Zado's MCSG story :)


Dec 7, 2012
Reaction score
Hello everyone, my name is Zado and today with story time, we bring you along my MCSG adventure. :)

In September of 2012, I overheard my friends talking about minecraft, I had bought it for MCSG actually, I watched Minecraft Finest's Hunger games videos and was like "I wanna play that" So, I bought minecraft, but unfortunately I had a really bad laptop, so I quit. But back to September, my friends were talking about minecraft, so I hopped into the conversation and then we would play MCSG, but eventually they stopped playing and went to Black Ops II.

In around november I truced with this guy named MADMOFO72, he asked me if I had Skype/Ts and I said I don't give out my skype. And asked what is ts? So, he gave my the download link and then I was getting really, really active on ts. On Christmas break, I got a new computer, I was so excited. So, I played some MCSG and started winning alot. One of the nights I went on teamspeak and joined a channel with many of my now friends. Branbob83 Tironas11 and many more. I didn't have a mic at the time so I could only chat/poke them. Later that night I got on and Branbob83 was with not alot of people, I was debating with my self to go up there or not, I finally decided to go up there and talk to him. to this very day we are still good friends. So, i would talk to all those people and eventually I was kinda invited to their group of friends.

So around February I started racking up wins and and soon enough, MCSGv2 came out and with a few weeks of it I had 100 wins and applied for the Clan that most of my friends were in #Rebels. But then the original thread of it was locked and Branbob made a new thread and soon enough, I was accepted into the Rebels :)

I can't remember much of what happened throughout the next few months, I was having a blast. But my school grades were dropping because sometimes I put off homework for MCSG, soo yeah...there's that :p

Currently I am still in the Rebels and don't plan on leaving anytime soon.

And a special thanks to Branbob83 for welcoming me into your friends and the Rebels :)

And ManOfTheBread for teaching me to play c:

So...uh thats my MCSG story, thanks for reading.

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