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My story


Feb 19, 2013
Reaction score
Soooooo... This will be a long text with a lot of grammar errors so bare with me.

I first found these servers around august2012. Yes I know, i'm a pretty new guy but whatever. Back on topic. So, I found these servers after searching trough google for something more personal then what i were playing. Oh wait, i forgot to tell you guys what i was playing before I started on MCSG? Oh silly me. Well, I was playing on a server called mcPVP. It was amazing, me and my friend and teammate (still is) Zewyon were winning on there like it was no tomorrow. So when I got on here , I was pretty experienced with pvp and thought I would do extreamly well and win all my matches. But well, it didn't happend that way.

When I first hopped on the servers in August 2012 I was the worst. Even though I was a beast at mcpvp this was nothing like it. This was amazing.
Me and Zewyon were playing MCSG. A lot. A whole ton actually. We were playing it so much that... no I won't tell. Well, back on topic again. We were having so much fun playing this. We didn't know anyone but ourself, but that was fine. Until we met a small group of awesome and amazing people. AmeliaDinposaur, EdtheG, mylilfony1 and JoshBrennen. We were having so much fun. But because Zewyon never actually got into that group since he didn't like teamspeak much I kinda lost contact with them, wich i though were awful.

Me and Zewyon kept on playing. We played and played and played. We lost, and we lost and we lost. But we got better. We are now a really good team together. We are both good solo players but we are even better as a team (Fear us.) But anyway.

Later I guess it was in January 2013 I met some people. Zietra, Purewelshboy1, Philly67, Reven86 and some other amazing people. I am still in contact with these guys. Purewelshboy1 is still one of my role models when it comes to moderating etc. But the point here is that I made so many new friends this month. January 2013 were the month I met the most of my friends here on MCSG.

February, 7 months after I first hopped on the servers I joined the forums. FINALLY! I do not regret a second. My first status update: ''Haha I love the MCSG servers to bits..'' Because it was true. I love the servers to bits.
So after half a month maybe on the forums I chose to apply for mod. Sneeze7 told me what i should focus on and I was accepted sometime in March.
I got my interview in the start of April and I was so nervous! I had been on teamspeak for 40 HOURS STRAIGHT waiting for my interview.
When I finally got it, it was 4am in the middle of the night. 40 hours without any sleep. And there I went. Interviewed by slasherxtreme Le0 Dave and Joshkey I do believe. Not to sure about Joshkey but the first 3 were there. My interview went well and i was accepted. They told me to sing, wich I never did ( :3 ).

In may 2013 I met some awesome people. I met two of my best friends as of now, Simey and Agerbon. I really love these 2 guys and I could not have got this far without them. Atleast Agerbon. He was the one helping me when I first got mod. I was moderating these servers for a couple of months before some real life issues started acting negative on my work as a moderator. I decided to step down as a moderator because of in real life issues. I got friend rank and was happy with that. But when all of this was sorted, I got back. I decided to reapply for mod thanks to kezzer1995. (thanks mate <3 love you for this). So in June 2013 I was back as a mod. Some might be happy about this, some may not but that's fine.

Now these days I am working my ass off, at the same time i'm trying to have some holidays in between. I am actually going to spain a couple of weeks in a 8 days. Will be good.

But anyway, I just wanted to thank you guys. Thank you for everything. Thank you for making my life what it is today. I have made so many friends here, and I will give some special thanks down below.

Zewyon Dude, you are my trusted partner, trough 1.5year in minecraft, and even longer before that. You are my best friend, and I hope we will keep it that way forever. Love you man, and thanks for all the memories we have had together <3

slasherxtreme Thanks for accepting my first mod app. This opened a whole new aspect of the mcsg community for me. <3

AmeliaDinposaur EdtheG mylilfony1 and JoshBrennen thank you for being the first people I actually got to know in here. I love you and I hope we can get in touch again <3

Agerbon Thank you for teaching me everything I needed to learn when I first got mod. We have lost touch lately and that's a shame, but I hope we can start talking again <3

Philly67 Man, you were also one of my best mod friends when I got in here. We, as I have with many others have lost a bit touch lately, but I really really hope we can start talking again. Stay awesome.

Simey hahahahaha man, we have some really hilarious moments together. I can still remember the first message you sendt to me. Advertising for Holiday Resort. I have been in love with the map ever since. And you. :)

Zietra one of my best friends trough MCSG. You are such an amazing person. I love you so much, and I want us to never stop talking <3 Nuckel ;) Also, go make me a sandwich please. <3

Sneeze7 Thank you for helping me with my first mod app, by telling me what I should focus on. Could not have done it without you. <3

Purewelshboy1 Man! God I love you. You are my role model when it comes to being a moderator. You are such an inspiring person, such an amazing person I just wanna HUG you! (nohomo) Thank you for everything mate. Really.

kezzer1995 Kezzer! <3 Thank you so much for helping me trough hard times, even with minor stuff. You are my favorite Sr.Mod (together with Le0. Yes, you gotta share podium.) You are just such an amazing friend.

Spike11, ImKatnissEverdeen, OnlyMathias KRaidium Gravey4rd AlexHH25, Reven86 kristier12 2020ecoman HalfSquirrel Max5015 Lululioness ejegun thank you for giving me tips and tricks, helping me in hard situations or just simply been a good friend. I may have lost contact with a few of you but I still love you. Thanks.

The community! Thank you so much for being awesome. Thank you for being you. You are all amazing people. Remember that.

Last but not least ChadTheDJ. Without you we would not have had this place. Sure we would have done something else but you have brought so many people together! You have brought people together that created relationships that can't be broken. You have done us all a great service. Just wanted to say thanks.

So, whatever happens to me in the future I want you all to know that I am truly greatful of what I have been experiencing here. I have loved every second of it, and I truly hope we can get a lot of more fun memories in the future. But for now. Thanks.

Sorry to everyone i forgot. Can't remember everyone..

-Zimpley the best.


May 4, 2012
Reaction score
You forgot the part where you got 35k points then gave me 18k then I gave them back :p


Jan 4, 2013
Reaction score
When I first met you I didn't like you cos you tried to help backstabbed me with alex :c ... now, even though you still sometimes backstab me xD , I <3 you :3


Feb 19, 2013
Reaction score
When I first met you I didn't like you cos you tried to help backstabbed me with alex :c ... now, even though you still sometimes backstab me xD , I <3 you :3
A man gotta do what a man gotta do.. <3

Edit: I just noticed. I look sunburned on my signature thingy. -.- #BlameChad.


May 5, 2013
Reaction score
Loveu my friend! :') and still, nuckel is my word, but just because you're my awesome friend, I'll make you a sandwich.. Not.<3


District 13
Dec 27, 2012
Reaction score
Zimpley, get on teamspeak more please. I love youu! I read this whole thing, and i'm gonna write one like this on my one year. Thank you for being an awesome friend and moderator <3 c:

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