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Wron's Story


Jul 1, 2012
Reaction score
I hope some of you guys take pleasure in reading this, but hey, I felt I should document this stuff somewhere, after all it's been a long, long rickety rollercoaster with plenty of twists and turns.

So, I started in 2012 after moving over from the McPVP Hg servers, looking for something that more represented what I felt the Hunger Games in Minecraft should have been. I found these servers a day or two after initially watching the film and wow was I excited, I found it relatively easy to join servers back then due to the fact that the server list was actually working. My was it spectacular, Never going to corn, finding one maybe two chests as I ran around aimlessly. My first game I can still remember today, I managed to come second. Back then I sucked at pvp, (I still do to some degree). Whenever I went into a fight my arm, wrist and hand would seize up in a way that I couldn't move the mouse, and my heartbeat must have been incredibly high, It was that intense and it felt that way.

After playing for a couple of weeks it became apparent to me that teams were they way to go, so most games I asked if anyone wanted to skype team with me, usually I got no response but one day I found myself in a game with Frondome. It was fantastic we worked well as a team and there were many laughs to be had. These were probably some of my favourite days of playing the game.

So I played normally for a couple of months, never feeling the need to buy a donor package when all of a sudden I go onto skype to call Frondome and see that his status was "It's my interview today". My jaw dropped and from then on in, I rarely spoke to Frondome anymore, he was always on teamspeak and I preferred skype. This was due to the fact that I am/was rather introverted, I didn't want to talk to any of the other mods, and when I was asked if I wanted to be moved to mod chat I declined, everyone else just drowned me out. So one day whilst playing with Frondome he decided to add Eshancowee, Dozer and one other guy who's name escapes me to the call as they were live streaming. I don't know why I remember this but I hated it.... But any way...

It was coming up to the november/October period when all of a sudden Frondome had senior mod, I was gobbsmacked and to me I felt this seperated us and so I went away from playing MCSG for a bit to start developing my building skills, hence started the initial creation of Wyvern's Wake, It took a long period of time before I finally got back into playing but around December I got talking with Frondome again and he convinced me to become Mod, I applied in early December, too some this seemed the hardest time to apply for mod, the application process was rigorous and out of maybe 50 or so applicants only... three were added it was incredibly tense (More to come on this later). I kept on having Frondome check over app to see if it was good and he told me that in comparison to some of the others he felt it had a good chance of going through.

Now, sometime either the third or 9th of January, Gibbo accepted my moderator application and on the day afterwards I headed over to the teamspeak to go and talk to the other people who would potentially be getting Mod, in the waiting room I found Prosouth and Purewelshboy1 ( I hope that tagged) maybe one of my favourite persons at mcsg, we had a bit of a chat but from what I could understand those two were good friends. That day I had my interview, it was a scary moment. I made sure I had a glass of water ready and after 10/15 minutes of intense answering questions from Bic, Gibbo and one other person, (Dave claims to be this person though I can't remember) I was accepted and thrown into the mod chat 1 teamspeak where I was completely overwhelmed by the number of people there, I left fairly quickly and went back to skype. Just going round games looking for hackers and such.

My first ban was probably my hardest and also one of my more derpy moments, there were two guys in chat spamming being abusive towards other players and myself , even though I got my ingame rank straight after my interview, I decided to go for help, Now, me being my introverted self didn't really know anyone in mod chat when I initially went in there so I once again got completely overwhelmed. So I looked at the moderator guide for how long to ban someone and went in-game as at this point I did not have access to the panel and banned them... Perma-banned them.. First and as far as I'm aware one of my only mistakes a a moderator. I was meant to temporarily banned them but butchered the command and perma-banned them instead. Fun times.

So after being a moderator for a month or so I finally got talking too some other people I was looking for help, not in moderating but in building, for throughout this time period I was building my map, there's two people I met whilst doing this who have been great friends too me ever since, Philly67 and @Mr_Dice, Philly loved my map from first sight and decided to spend a lot of time helping me out building it, he's been a great friend to me ever since, Mr_Dice He helped by offering his server for me to use to test the map on and build on, he always seemed to be around and was someone I enjoyed talking too, even now he's one of the persons I enjoy talking too most at Mcsg. I'm using his server now to build my next map. When I felt my map was close to complete I spoke to Dave and he told me that It's have a higher chance of getting in if I got it onto the TE server for them to take a look at Bic, loved it instantly, but it was at this point that something went out of control...


So one of the notable features of my map are the dragons after taking it to Te I may have gone a bit over the top in increasing the original number of dragons from 2, too...7... I really developed my ability to build organics here and now I feel somewhat confident in my ability to build organics. So after much testing it was decided that my map was added to the servers, the initial feedback I had from the community was good and the staff team liked it enough to be added. So there it was added to the development server, I was over the moon, except for the fact I had no choice as too where the tier 2s went as originally there were none. The map was then added to the servers it wasn't played much but I wasn't too bothered, I know people disliked it for various reasons but slowly it's popularity levels decreased and the general consensus now is that it looks in places awesome but it doesn't fit as an Sg map and that my skills could be better used in making some kind if Rp map, due to various reasons such as the horrible biome changes etc... the way I see it is that it's like marmite, you either love it or you hate it.

So now approaching the present I met many awesome such as echo_555, Willow, wooders1996, Kas and Kraidium to name but a few I also met a few cool non members of staff such as Zietra and Noahsailor.

My story kind of ends here though I got a new laptop and recently hit 50 wins, count them 50. I'm not sure where MCSG is going to go in the future and I'm not sure if I'll be around much longer but eh for now I'm fairly happy. So yeah that's my story
Kinda felt doing one to document my memories, so why not share it with you guys as well.


May 25, 2012
Reaction score
"its like marmite" made me lol


District 13
Jul 31, 2012
Reaction score
I won't apologize for necroing this thread as it is an 'MCSG story' thread, so I just want to say that I read it all, wronsiski, and that you are one of my favorite MCSG moderators.

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