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Reward for Recording and Getting A Hacker Banned?


Jun 7, 2013
Reaction score
You should try to get hackers banned for the good of the MCSG community... not to expect a reward.
Some people just can't be bothered to, I reported 10 hackers in 5 days and that's only a third of the amount of hackers I saw in that time


District 13
May 6, 2012
Reaction score
Reporting hackers should be an act done out of kindness, and caring for the well-being, and integrity of the community, not increasing your bounty, and having newfound bragging rights.

Offering a bounty reward for hackers reported, and banned, would create a mess of people trying to record people and tamper evidence, or send in footage from every game, hoping there's a hacker, and causing lots of footage for moderators to sort through, and increasing chances of mistakes, unfair bans-- the list goes on.

The way it is now is perfect, honestly. The reward in reporting hackers is simply the satisfaction knowing you just helped the community :)


Feb 9, 2013
Reaction score
I had reported around 150 people before I became a moderator, about 50 of them would have been hackers. That means I would have got 25000 bounty just from that.

The 'seeing who banned you' is also a big no-no, due to the amount of harassment you could give to the person who banned a player.
I love your signature <3


Jun 26, 2013
Reaction score
I think players should be awarded 500 bounty points or more for catching hackers and reporting them on the forums, this would in-courage players to Record hackers! Also if you recorded a hacker and they end up getting banned the hacker should be able to see who got him banned.(Optional). For example, if I got a hacker banned it would say for the hacker " Banned for 7 days by Brandon6895" or something like that! :D thanks for reading :)

*EDIT* Maybe there can be some kind of Hacker LeaderBoards, so when you get a hacker banned it will go on some kind of statistics, for example it will say Brandon6895 has banned 10 hackers. Something like that! :D
I disagree with this sorry. The same way I disagree with most people wanting "admin" on all servers. The reason being is your priority is wrong. You want a reward for doing something good, isn't the reliable access to the server enough reward? You are able to play, free of charge (if you choose to do so) without ever spending a penny. You have a selection of hundreds of servers, all funded by players donating, and run by the kind staff. I already see "some" players with a lot of points, some have earnt them legit, and others I find are amongst the hackers. In my opinion, points are overrated.

The reason you should WANT to report a hacker, is to have them removed permanently in my opinion, from the server. As they ruin gameplay for others. With them removed, you are free to enjoy a fair game with other fair players. This should be enough encouragement for those who are able to record. However not all have the computing power to run the badly-coded java Minecraft along with video recording software. So regardless of rewards, if a player is going to record and report they will (Like me, a long with my Youtube Videos). If they don't want to, they wont.

Let me ask a question; The server doesn't give rewards for reporting hackers, will you still record and report them? Or will you only do it for a reward gain?

* Also, on the note of I disagree with this aswell a most people wanting "Admin". This is something I see on a lot of servers. "Hi, can I be admin please" - "Why do you want to be admin?" - "Because I have never been one and I really want to pleaseeeee I promise I am good" >,< What?! Same thing, almost. Priorities, get them right. If you like a server, and you want to dedicate a little of your time keeping it safe/clean and fun! You should not need rewards, such as points, or people wanting "Admin". 90% of them (minecraft as a whole, not targeting anyone or any server) only want Admin for the Powers. The Ego boost and the reason I believe admin and rewards should never be given freely, is because it leads to corruption as already explained in the thread. People will be TRIGGER-HAPPY to report everyone in the hope of a Reward. This will then hinder the staff dealing with the real reports, and they in the end will get fedup and end up overlooking most.

So as explained... same reason you should want to be a mod/admin on a server. Is the same reason you should want to report hackers. For the GOOD of the server, not for personal gain. The personal gain is that you will have a very enjoyable, virtually hack free server if you continue reporting the hackers.


I disagree - You should WANT to help the server that's provided FREE for you to play on. You should want to keep it hack-free so that YOU can enjoy your play-time here. Same as people wanting Admin/Mod on servers overall - The real reason behind it should be that you want to HELP the server, not want personal gain FROM the server. :) Hope this helps! Keep the reports coming in, make sure to get enough evidence!


Sometimes it's only as simple as recording a few seconds of someone standing still in the lobby with sprint hack on.




District 13
Jul 26, 2012
Reaction score
Sometimes it's only as simple as recording a few seconds of someone standing still in the lobby with sprint hack on.

I just want to say that this is not sufficient evidence for a ban, and in order to ban for sprint hackers, they must be clearly shown interacting with the environment while having particles, e.g. eating, breaking leaves, opening chests and in PvP.


Feb 1, 2013
Reaction score
I just want to say that this is not sufficient evidence for a ban, and in order to ban for sprint hackers, they must be clearly shown interacting with the environment while having particles, e.g. eating, breaking leaves, opening chests and in PvP.
I was just gonna say that.
Jun 26, 2013
Reaction score
I think players should be awarded 500 bounty points or more for catching hackers and reporting them on the forums, this would in-courage players to Record hackers! Also if you recorded a hacker and they end up getting banned the hacker should be able to see who got him banned.(Optional). For example, if I got a hacker banned it would say for the hacker " Banned for 7 days by Brandon6895" or something like that! :D thanks for reading :)

*EDIT* Maybe there can be some kind of Hacker LeaderBoards, so when you get a hacker banned it will go on some kind of statistics, for example it will say Brandon6895 has banned 10 hackers. Something like that! :D
I wouldn't agree. You see, there have been MANY people have banned hackers, I don't think 500 bounty would be worth banning a hacker. I think there should be NO reward for banning a hacker, as for some people don't have youtube. Also, it's just helping the community, and that's an award enough. Just suggesting! :)


District 13
Sep 13, 2012
Reaction score
If you really want an award, just come to me after you've succesfully reported and gotten a hacker banned, and I'll give you a pat on the back ;)


District 13
Apr 22, 2012
Reaction score
How about the satisfaction of knowing that there is one less player you will have to compete against for mod. Not saying you will get it but yeah... You could look at it that way.
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