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My last thread.


Nov 23, 2012
Reaction score
Alright, this is a bit nerve-wrecking. However, I need to tell you guys the dark and unbelievable truth.

I am Asian - Australian. I live in Sydney.
Many players on the AU servers know me as an Asian guy with MS haxxxxx and stuff, but this is really true. I faked my identity due to personal reasons. Maybe that could explain why my English isn't as bad as you expected of a 15-year-old.

Other than that, I'm going to say my goodbyes. I will no longer play MCSG, once again due to personal reasons. It has been a great year playing MCSG with all you guys. I'll share my story first.

June 19, 2012. I started my MCSG career with my friend. I was introduced to the server, and it was really fun. We played countless times, aimlessly trying to win and have fun, but it would always be the skilled ones killing us.

Slowly but steadily, we had an idea of where items and secrets of maps are, considering that there were so little maps. Our skills got sharper day by day. As usual, we kept having fun and enjoying our holidays.

Unfortunately, my friend migrated to New York, due to his father's job. To make things worse, his father banned him from playing any computer games, or even chatting on Skype. I was pretty much left alone, as most of my friends did not play Minecraft, or even MCSG.

Venturing alone, I was a lone target to teams and such. This was till December, I found a friend called sazaking. We would always truce and team occasionally. When we fought together, he would always win, but he would remind me of my friend.

Then, while I was in Japan holidaying, I saw him join a clan. It was called "The AU Rebels". I knew that those players over there were those who would beat me to a pulp in close combat. I was about to give up, when I realized I passed all requirements. I was reluctant to join, thinking I would be rejected. My guess was proved to be wrong, and I was accepted. I was quite happy at that moment, as I could make friends with skilled players.

On January, I made many friends with weaker players, some who made the cut to join the AU Rebels. I then decided to fake my identity, change most of my settings and my homeland as "Singapore".

MCSG V2 came out, and so did The H1f3. This was MCSG's downtime. Many players left, especially those "Baccas" as BajanCanadian left the server after getting banned for possessing the Better Sprint Mod. Soon enough, Teweran, our favorite map maker, left us for The H1f3. Our player database's numbers dwindled soon enough.

By then, I was considered decent and a veteran at MCSG. I made more friends, usually Asian ones. It felt better to be with people of my type as I missed the Asian feel of life since I was 2 years old.

Shortly after, due to a mild clan dispute, the AU Rebels was split. I joined Phoenix, one of the two clans. However, the situation was resolved.

May the 2th, 2013. I was starting to lose interest in MCSG. Every game felt boring and straightforward. It felt like repeating the same thing over and over when I won.

I started to quit for a month, hoping to find a way on how to cope with the boredom. Now, due to studies and my somewhat shaky grades, I need to study really hard, and also due to personal reasons, I need to quit a game which I am addicted to.

Addiction is a drug. Stop ingesting it and you'll feel better. - My mum

I really want to thank darkrai202, Billabongboy98, and the other AU Rebel noobs. I would also want to thank Chad, the MCSG staff and the tributes of MCSG for making my 1 year here blessed. It's been a lot of fun playing on these servers. Special thanks to a special someone for making it much more blessed and fun occasion.

I wish luck and success for MCSG's future endeavors. No matter what happens today or tomorrow, you are still uniquely MCSG, and nothing can change that.

May every tribute have fun playing on MCSG, and I love you all noobs! Farewell.


May 12, 2013
Reaction score
Bye have a beautiful day :D


Oct 5, 2012
Reaction score
Alright, this is a bit nerve-wrecking. However, I need to tell you guys the dark and unbelievable truth.

I am Asian - Australian. I live in Sydney.
Many players on the AU servers know me as an Asian guy with MS haxxxxx and stuff, but this is really true. I faked my identity due to personal reasons. Maybe that could explain why my English isn't as bad as you expected of a 15-year-old.

Other than that, I'm going to say my goodbyes. I will no longer play MCSG, once again due to personal reasons. It has been a great year playing MCSG with all you guys. I'll share my story first.

June 19, 2012. I started my MCSG career with my friend. I was introduced to the server, and it was really fun. We played countless times, aimlessly trying to win and have fun, but it would always be the skilled ones killing us.

Slowly but steadily, we had an idea of where items and secrets of maps are, considering that there were so little maps. Our skills got sharper day by day. As usual, we kept having fun and enjoying our holidays.

Unfortunately, my friend migrated to New York, due to his father's job. To make things worse, his father banned him from playing any computer games, or even chatting on Skype. I was pretty much left alone, as most of my friends did not play Minecraft, or even MCSG.

Venturing alone, I was a lone target to teams and such. This was till December, I found a friend called sazaking. We would always truce and team occasionally. When we fought together, he would always win, but he would remind me of my friend.

Then, while I was in Japan holidaying, I saw him join a clan. It was called "The AU Rebels". I knew that those players over there were those who would beat me to a pulp in close combat. I was about to give up, when I realized I passed all requirements. I was reluctant to join, thinking I would be rejected. My guess was proved to be wrong, and I was accepted. I was quite happy at that moment, as I could make friends with skilled players.

On January, I made many friends with weaker players, some who made the cut to join the AU Rebels. I then decided to fake my identity, change most of my settings and my homeland as "Singapore".

MCSG V2 came out, and so did The H1f3. This was MCSG's downtime. Many players left, especially those "Baccas" as BajanCanadian left the server after getting banned for possessing the Better Sprint Mod. Soon enough, Teweran, our favorite map maker, left us for The H1f3. Our player database's numbers dwindled soon enough.

By then, I was considered decent and a veteran at MCSG. I made more friends, usually Asian ones. It felt better to be with people of my type as I missed the Asian feel of life since I was 2 years old.

Shortly after, due to a mild clan dispute, the AU Rebels was split. I joined Phoenix, one of the two clans. However, the situation was resolved.

May the 2th, 2013. I was starting to lose interest in MCSG. Every game felt boring and straightforward. It felt like repeating the same thing over and over when I won.

I started to quit for a month, hoping to find a way on how to cope with the boredom. Now, due to studies and my somewhat shaky grades, I need to study really hard, and also due to personal reasons, I need to quit a game which I am addicted to.

Addiction is a drug. Stop ingesting it and you'll feel better. - My mum

I really want to thank darkrai202, Billabongboy98, and the other AU Rebel noobs. I would also want to thank Chad, the MCSG staff and the tributes of MCSG for making my 1 year here blessed. It's been a lot of fun playing on these servers. Special thanks to a special someone for making it much more blessed and fun occasion.

I wish luck and success for MCSG's future endeavors. No matter what happens today or tomorrow, you are still uniquely MCSG, and nothing can change that.

May every tribute have fun playing on MCSG, and I love you all noobs! Farewell.
You little D:
*facepalm* your are from green land


Aug 24, 2012
Reaction score
Keep in touch in Skype hey? Have a good one bro!:)

The AU rebels or Phoenix are like a family to me, sad to see you go.

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