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Nov 16, 2012
Reaction score
Hello everyone. If some of you don't already know, then I will explain it now... But about 6 or 7 months ago I was banned for Possible Aimbot. The truth is... I went to my friends house and played minecraft on his computer. I played 2 rounds of MCSG on the map Teweran Sg 1. On his computer he had a hacking client called 'Nodus' that he told me to try while I was at his house. So... I tried it. After 2 rounds I read the rules in the lobby and one of the rules was 'No hacked clients.' I was devastated... Not only because I broke the rules but because my friend told that I wouldn't get in trouble. So, after the 2 rounds I played with a hacked client, I went home and played MCSG without hacks for a day, and then I tried joining a server but it said something like 'You have been banned for 165 hours.' I saw in so much shock. The 2 games I played... I was caught. I went to the ban appeal section of the forums and put in all the info. It was denied and I stayed ban, plus, the Senior Staff member who denied it (Not saying his name) gave me a link to a video called: Hacker Operdasher.
I watched the video and it was of me playing on Survival Games 4, which I didn't play on while I was at my friends... And I didn't recognize any of the people I killed. I kind of just went with it though and took the punishment... But just recently, I realized I had checked the 'Remember Login' Box on my friends computer. I have a feeling that he played on my account rather on purpose or accident. Well, If you don't believe the story then Idk, All I'm doing is asking for the MCSG Community to forgive me because it was 7 months ago and back then I was just beginning the community. Thanks for reading. -Operdasher


May 27, 2012
Reaction score
Hello everyone. If some of you don't already know, then I will explain it now... But about 6 or 7 months ago I was banned for Possible Aimbot. The truth is... I went to my friends house and played minecraft on his computer. I played 2 rounds of MCSG on the map Teweran Sg 1. On his computer he had a hacking client called 'Nodus' that he told me to try while I was at his house. So... I tried it. After 2 rounds I read the rules in the lobby and one of the rules was 'No hacked clients.' I was devastated... Not only because I broke the rules but because my friend told that I wouldn't get in trouble. So, after the 2 rounds I played with a hacked client, I went home and played MCSG without hacks for a day, and then I tried joining a server but it said something like 'You have been banned for 165 hours.' I saw in so much shock. The 2 games I played... I was caught. I went to the ban appeal section of the forums and put in all the info. It was denied and I stayed ban, plus, the Senior Staff member who denied it (Not saying his name) gave me a link to a video called: Hacker Operdasher.
I watched the video and it was of me playing on Survival Games 4, which I didn't play on while I was at my friends... And I didn't recognize any of the people I killed. I kind of just went with it though and took the punishment... But just recently, I realized I had checked the 'Remember Login' Box on my friends computer. I have a feeling that he played on my account rather on purpose or accident. Well, If you don't believe the story then Idk, All I'm doing is asking for the MCSG Community to forgive me because it was 7 months ago and back then I was just beginning the community. Thanks for reading. -Operdasher
Same thing happened to me :L
Because of it, I can't get Moderator...


Jun 2, 2013
Reaction score
It's ok It was only two games you hacked on and you didn't know (assuming your not lying)


Feb 18, 2013
Reaction score
My friend installed about 50% of hacked clints on to my computer thank god I noticed and he was to stupid to know there was a force update button :/

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