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Server resets?

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Jun 15, 2012
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So I've seen after playing a couple games how the servers reset in between each match. This is annoying for the obvious reason that the spectators of the previous match all get kicked and may not make it back on given all the people spamming connection requests to try to get on before the server fills up. I'm told that it's a temporary fix to "ghosting", but it isn't real specific as to what ghosting means, or how kicking everyone off between each game fixes this.

If it's simply to clear out AFK players, surely a plugin like AFKBooter or BSKicker would do the job? I fail to see why a full server reset is necessary.

If in this case ghosting is defined in the same way it is in competitive games, that is dead players spectating alive players telling their friends what they're doing over Ventrilo or IRC, I can't really see any way to fix it other than by removing the spectator system entirely, which, by the way, I wouldn't really mind. Either way, booting everybody out still doesn't solve the problem because said ghosters could just join right back up as long as they're fast enough, and their connection's fast enough.

So I'd appreciate it if someone would shed some light on this. Sorry if this belongs in support, but I figured if I put it there it would look more like I was asking the mods directly. I'm asking anybody who knows the answer.


May 4, 2012
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Ghosts are people counted as tributes but really aren't in the game. It's a bug from Mojang so the temporary solution until the next update is restarting the servers after each game. The ghosts are pretty much invincible and the only way to get them off the server is by restarting the server.
There is ghosting like it is in competitive games, but that's not an issue and restarting the servers could never be a fix for that :p
Apparently Chad said in his live stream last night that it might end up being permanent though (which would suck) :(


Jun 1, 2012
Reaction score
Ghosts are people counted as tributes but really aren't in the game. It's a bug from Mojang so the temporary solution until the next update is restarting the servers after each game. The ghosts are pretty much invincible and the only way to get them off the server is by restarting the server.
There is ghosting like it is in competitive games, but that's not an issue and restarting the servers could never be a fix for that :p
Apparently Chad said in his live stream last night that it might end up being permanent though (which would suck) :(
The server restarts are going to be perminant, but for good reason. Restarting the servers keeps them much more stable due to the RAM being reset, it also reduces lag and allows the servers to run much more smoothly.
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