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Jlo_Xyloto's tips for improvement.


Feb 10, 2013
Reaction score
I'm jlo_xyloto and by no means am I a "Pro", however I wanted to give up and comers like myself some tips for MCSG and show you what has changed me from a total noob to an okay player with 52 wins, I'm no Elgoldo, but I have killed him once;) SO yeah, if you disagree, agree, or have any other suggestions to help people, go ahead:p, I know similar threads have been done by I've started now so yano, just read it or skip past.

1) Focus. I am a very easily distracted person, and can be very unobservant and not alert. Being like that gets you killed, don't be slow, and look around you. This goes for all times, in or out of combat, ignorant players are most likely to end up in a lava pit.
2) Don't get frustrated. Getting annoyed at the game, losing in particular usually doesn't help and leads to more mistakes. I used to and still get game rage, and getting annoyed would result in loss after loss because I couldn't concentrate as I was so Mad Bro Mad. Just have fun, practice and try your best, you will improve, and you won't get annoyed if you focus on the bright side.
3) In PVP, don't try and follow pro guides etc, it can help a little, but trying to strafe, fire arrows and set someone on fire all at once is pretty hard to do, you'll just end up dying. Keep experimenting with tactics and see what works for you, we will all be good at different things, and don't give up straight away. You're not going to be able to snipe someone from across the map straight away, so be patient and with time things get easier.
4) Team or get into a clan. Only if you need to. Personally I really am not a fan of teams, but say you've been stuck with mediocre points and are struggling to get wins, find someone in a similar situation and learn with them, you'll both improve, rack up wins, and eventually won't need each other. Clans are useful as allies are always more helpful than enemies, knowing people will get you places.
5) Become a Donor. If you want to improve, you need to play. If you're a donor you'll be able to play as much as you want, and be more likely to play on your favourite maps more often as your vote counts for more. I'm not currently a Donor but I'm looking into it, it's a good way to make sure you can always get some practice in and get better at the game.
6) Add-On, I thought of but forgot to put. Watch games. Spectating shows you what you should be doing, and can show you things to try out. Especially when all the great players are on, make sure if you aren't playing, you're watching as this can be just as useful to you.

There are several other more complex strategies I could give you, but Perseverance is the most important trait of any good player, have fun and don't let the game get you down! Every MLG starts somewhere! :-D


Feb 10, 2013
Reaction score
in relation to number 1, on treacherous Heights I just saw a name close to me while I was on a mountain, I ran towards it, expecting a downwards hill for me to run down to him, instead, there was a huge ravine which I tragically jumped into and died. Silliest loss of points possible, because I rushed and didn't focus. And several spectators found this hilarious, so as well as being a loser, I am also an embarrassed one.


Jan 24, 2013
Reaction score
I'm jlo_xyloto and by no means am I a "Pro", however I wanted to give up and comers like myself some tips for MCSG and show you what has changed me from a total noob to an okay player with 52 wins, I'm no Elgoldo, but I have killed him once;) SO yeah, if you disagree, agree, or have any other suggestions to help people, go ahead:p, I know similar threads have been done by I've started now so yano, just read it or skip past.

1) Focus. I am a very easily distracted person, and can be very unobservant and not alert. Being like that gets you killed, don't be slow, and look around you. This goes for all times, in or out of combat, ignorant players are most likely to end up in a lava pit.
2) Don't get frustrated. Getting annoyed at the game, losing in particular usually doesn't help and leads to more mistakes. I used to and still get game rage, and getting annoyed would result in loss after loss because I couldn't concentrate as I was so Mad Bro Mad. Just have fun, practice and try your best, you will improve, and you won't get annoyed if you focus on the bright side.
3) In PVP, don't try and follow pro guides etc, it can help a little, but trying to strafe, fire arrows and set someone on fire all at once is pretty hard to do, you'll just end up dying. Keep experimenting with tactics and see what works for you, we will all be good at different things, and don't give up straight away. You're not going to be able to snipe someone from across the map straight away, so be patient and with time things get easier.
4) Team or get into a clan. Only if you need to. Personally I really am not a fan of teams, but say you've been stuck with mediocre points and are struggling to get wins, find someone in a similar situation and learn with them, you'll both improve, rack up wins, and eventually won't need each other. Clans are useful as allies are always more helpful than enemies, knowing people will get you places.
5) Become a Donor. If you want to improve, you need to play. If you're a donor you'll be able to play as much as you want, and be more likely to play on your favourite maps more often as your vote counts for more. I'm not currently a Donor but I'm looking into it, it's a good way to make sure you can always get some practice in and get better at the game.

There are several other more complex strategies I could give you, but Perseverance is the most important trait of any good player, have fun and don't let the game get you down! Every MLG starts somewhere! :-D
Nice that you have done this for the Community but there are so many post about the same topic, and if you read through them, youll find exactly the same information ( maybe a bit different expressed. )

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