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Lulu's Fiction Writing



Got bored, wrote a little bit of writing. Don't expect greatness, I'm only in seventh grade :p
What do you think?

Piece 1: Sneak
I watched in eerie silence. She slipped through the door effortlessly with almost no sound at all. No way would I be able to do the same, to continue following her. I wondered why I was doing this dangerous feat, just for my company, but I guess it’s the one company that protects our country from the dark forces of Chimilana.

Back to the chase, I thought. Time to think. She had gone through one entrance, but was there more? I snuck around the edges of the building, looking for other ways in. Then I struck gold. Someone had left the back door wide open, as if to welcome intruders. I crept in, and quickly hid behind some storage boxes and surveyed my surroundings. Each storage box had a ‘fragile’ stamp on it. There was a ladder leading up a trapdoor in the ceiling. There were various shelves around the room holding mysterious tubes of blue ointment.

Then I heard it, the clicking footsteps coming from the ceiling. Someone was up there, and they were getting closer. They were obviously heading for the trapdoor just above me. It was time to move, time to get away. I quickly slipped out of the storage room, into the main building, just as the trapdoor creaked open.

Piece 2- Advice

The biggest of the trees began to sway and crackle. The roots were coming loose. “Dad, I think the tree is going to fall, wha-”, I began. “Oh son, don’t worry. Trees ‘round here do that a lot and don’t fall and I’m on the side that the tree won’t fall if it does, which I don’t think it will”, my father interrupted, “So keep choppin’ up the wood ov’r here and don’t butt into what I’m doin’ ”. There goes dad again, with his complicated and poor English I kept quiet. I didn’t want an argument, especially not with my father.

The tree continued to make funny noises and roots were coming up out of the ground, but I managed to ignore it for a while. “Jack, would you be able to take these branches away to where you’re cutting them into logs? I need some space”, my father asked, as he continued cutting away at a small tree with his axe. I walked over and picked up the branches. As I was jogging to back to where I was chopping the branches, the biggest tree’s roots made a loud snapping sound. I whipped around just in time to see my father petrified face as the tree fell on him. I ran over to him and dragged him out from under the tree. I felt his heart. Stone cold. Stone cold.
Stone cold.
I had no words. That was until I let out a chilling scream.
Something I didn’t even know I could do.

Piece 3- Mistakes

She danced across the top of the canopy, her wings glistening in the humid yet sunny air. The leaves were soft and luscious. She knew where she was headed, but birds were singing in the branches below, insects were buzzing loudly around flowers and animals were almost silently running across the canopy floor which comforted her. She knew where she was heading and what she had to do and she knew that any mistakes, no matter how small, had death written all over them. In the distance, she could see heat waves coming off the lake. The place where she was headed. The place that could kill her if she didn’t concentrate.

Only one of her kind had ever made a mistake in the process, which had caused them to disappear forever. The Count had said the person was dead, but was that true? Of course, everyone believed that Count would never lie. Yet, she had her doubts as the lake got closer and closer. It didn’t look harmful, the lake looked beautiful, yet she knew what it could do.

She quickly thought over the steps she had to do. She uttered a prayer and took a deep breath and jumped into the Shimmering lake.

She swam down to the bottom of the water and summoned the lake portal to open. She had to get through. The portal would only stay open for about a minute, according to her sources. As cracks of swirling light formed, she swam closer and closer to it. Something grabbed her wings. They were getting tangled up with some weed. The portal was closing. She let out a desperate cry, forgetting she was under water. Water filled her lungs as she lunged for the portal. It closed with a flash of light and all of a sudden, she blacked out.
Her name was Olina, yet she didn’t know.

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