Minecraft In Game Name: GOFORGOLDCROZ
MCSG Total Wins (Should be 150 or more): lol like 30 (hackers + teams)
MCSG points as of now (Just for curiosity reasons): 200-300, i sponsor a lot!
Age? (Should be at least 15): i'm almost 13
How often do you play on these servers?: erryday
Do you have Skype? (No, I don't use Team Speak): skype yas
Do you have a decent mic?: it's really good actually
Are you friendly? (i.e. no swearing or raging over deaths): i love errybody and i'm happy!
What assets will you bring to the team?: loots, strategies, friendship, and myself of course!
Have you ever been banned on these servers? (If so, I'd like the reason): nada