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Permission to lock your OWN threads?

Would you like to be able to lock your OWN threads?

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Community Engagement Team Representative
Jul 22, 2012
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No, I actually wouldn't like to see this. I could see it being..."abused" in a sense. A thread should only be locked when it truly isn't needed anymore, at all...there is nothing wrong with asking a mod to lock your thread anyway, but it should still be at their discretion, and having to call for one discourages from calling one unless you really want to. To be honest, giving people the ability to unlock their threads as well will cause severe abuse: People will lock threads when they aren't going their way, and once everyone has forgotten, unlock it again...then relock it when things get bad. Could also cause problems with people unlocking their own threads locked by a mod, although I'm sure this could be countered. On the other hand, not giving them the ability to unlock their threads...I can see it being worse than it is now, calling mods all the time to unlock their threads. Normally, it's discouraging calling for a mod to your thread to lock it, which is good as it prevents people from doing it unless they really need it...but when people can lock them so freely, I can see constant calls for a mod to unlock it again, because people will tend to be more desperate for an unlock than they would for a lock. Accidents also happen, so I can see many requests asking for an unlock simply because they accidentally hit a button...if there's no button to hit, you can't accidentally hit it, after all. ;P

Honestly, I see it being more of a mess than a help. I can already see the forums clogged with locked threads that really have seemingly no reason for being locked, or otherwise just constant calls for mods to unlock their thread, making the problem worse than it already is. (There being a problem at all confuses me. I can't remember the last time I locked a thread by the request of a user, and I'm always actively viewing the forum in most of the popular sections aside from the clans section. (Ew, clan drama. ._.))

Side note: I haven't been on much for the whole of this week so far, and for that reason, when I am on, I'm usually in a bit of a rush. Expect this post and future posts for another week or two to not make sense at times and contain mistakes...possibly many of them.


Feb 7, 2013
Reaction score
No reason why this shouldn't be implemented, in my opinion. Nice idea!


May 4, 2012
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Name one.
XenForo is a great forum creator, but it really gives you little access to what you might want to change about the website itself. I really like XenForo, as the design is quite nice, but there are many things I would want to add which can't be done. But I also don't know if other forum things are different, so I can't really argue.

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