IGN(Ingame Name): iFanyo ( SluttyPig )
Wins(Must have 50+): Around 450 with both accounts.
Skype?: Yes, Nathaniel.schmidt4
How will you help the clan?: By being active and helping out members when needed.
How much do you really like MCSG?: A lot, I really like playing the servers in general for fun, but when I actually try in a game I pretty much always win, unless I die to a hacker or NCP.
Have you ever teamed with BurningFire213, xlivusee, jcamotts, smallr, YouNg_n_R3cKlEss, or toby22?: I have teamed with Young_n_R3cKlEss. But no so sure with the others.
How often do you get on?: I get on everyday after school from about 4:00pm - 10:00pm and on weekdays I am pretty much on the whole day.
PvP weaknesses/strengths?: Sword, bow, water fights, turning around really quickly and shooting the opponent with the bow and stunning them with the shot and getting those few extra hits on them. ( very similar to the fishing rod stun. )
Favorite maps?: Map 4, solar frost, demons breeze, and holiday resort.