IGN(Ingame Name):Arched10
Wins(Must have 50+):120, i only started in January and I have not played that much at all
Skype?:i will tell you if i get accepted, and do you guys use TS?
How will you help the clan?: Well it would be nice to be an officer or a co-leader.. to help out since i have had past experience
How much do you really like MCSG?: I like it a lot
Have you ever teamed with BurningFire213, xlivusee, jcamotts, smallr, YouNg_n_R3cKlEss, or toby22?: Probably BurningFire213, but i cant remember
How often do you get on?: hopefully at least an hour a day
PvP weaknesses/strengths?: weaknesses-teams of 3 or more, strengths-swords, FNS, sometimes bows
Favorite maps?: solar frost, SG4... i like most all of them
PS. I know I do not have that many wins, but i would really like to be apart of clan wars, and i was in one clan battle before and i liked it a lot, and i really think I can help this clan if u give me a chance