Leaders:BurningFire213, YouNg_n_R3cKlEss, smallr
Co-Leaders: xlivusee, toby22
Commanders(200+ Wins): Brandon6895, Lord_Of_World4, maljack007, barend24, cbagz, iFanyo (SluttyPig is his alt.)
Generals(100+ Wins):MrCrafty1, xxxTrolMasterxxx, jordanchohat, EpicDonkey66, SacredDestroyer, CaptainJS, YouGGs, vanilla_ice999, blazer1721, leotofew, jcamotts, iamamazing66, Detentions
Captains(80+ Wins): widiber, mtgriffin1
Lieutenants(60+Wins):GoldBalogna, XX_crazyone_XX, FireBat223, themastern00b, Nick619Crazy, archerarcher35
Members(50+ Wins): lozerkingzzz, SaladMonkies, SLKitty, flatbunny07, FAF00, RockinBlocker, Bagongo, Mamiamato24, PrivateCupcake1
Trusted(25+ Wins) (Trusted is not in the clan. When the trusteds hit 50 wins, they can join officialy.): princeeric99, Demonds11, halfpoint9, game4natic, bhn8, kingusa12
I got my 69th win yesterday on Breeze. Promo?