Personally I feel this would change the game so much as a compass that points to the nearest player would really change the aspect of being able to sneak up on players. A good tactic currently for taking down well geared players is to ambush them but if they have the ability to track players it would remove this aspect from the game.
- Would make games quicker
- Would make tactics more interesting as you have to consider if they have a compass or not
- Could be a rare item which is only sponsorable so a better use for sponsoring
- Useless for teams as they would track other players of their team as they would be the closest players
- Would mean that players camping at the edge of the map have less chance of being found
- Makes one person much more powerful
- Copies other game types
- Removes the chance of being ambushed which also changes how the PvP tactics work
Now I am sure many of you noticed that I put that it changes the PvP as a pro and a con. Well that is because it really is a hard decision. Yes it would make some aspects of PvP more interesting if you have a compass however if you also consider how much more fun it is hunting the maps with that voice in the back of your head telling you someone is watching you or following you. That makes the games more fun in my opinion and sure it may not be the opinion of all but I am fairly sure most will agree that paranoia makes the games feel alive