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Who Is Angryjukebox?


Nov 28, 2012
Reaction score
Well hey there! I wrote this on my phone, so expect mistakes.

If you cane to this thread, you were probably a little intrigued by me. I'll start this off with a brief description of myself.

My name is Alex(ander) and I'm 15. I'm about 5'6" and I'm a bit athletic. Je parle français plus bon que probablement la majorité de vous. I surf, but not regularly as I have a hard time actually sticking to something. I live in eastern canada, an hour ahead of EST and 4 hours ahead of you guys and gals on the west coast. Please, ask me anything about myself in this thread.

My time on MCSG began when I grew tired of regular survival, which meant moving on from the server I played on for the better part of a year. During my time there, they had a survival games likes plugin run every hour that picked 24 people who signed up. Loving the books, I would sign up and hope to actually play. While this ran, I would always think "Something like this 24/7 would be awesome!" But sadly, I never bothered looking. Which brings us to...

I played my first game on MCSG late November, with a great friend named "TumpTheDump". We played for a good few weeks together, and he finally grew tired of the game, however I became more and more interested. In this month and a few days, I managed to get 8 wins, which we both thought was really cool.

Early january I donated the 25$ for gold (or 25.60$ Canadian) and started playing a lot more. My wins tripled in the first day of having it! I was so excited, and I decided to apply for the clan "Chrome" where all my friends were at the time. Soon after this, the clan disbanded but the server stayed for a bit, where I was a moderator. By the end of january, I was gaining wins at a decent pace.

Not much really happened in february, so skipping right to march
During march, and after mcsg v2 came out I started playing more, doing decent and getting noticable amounts of wins. I got my 100th win in late march, oh how I was excited! By this time, I had reported a lot of people and I wanted to try out for mod, but being just a month under the cut off age, I knew I'd have to wait.

April first update comes around, lots of fun for that. Later that day, KRaidium pokes me on teamspeak telling me applications were now being accepted for applicants aged 14 or more, so I got out the application I had written off my google drive, and submitted it. Every day was brilliant, but annoying at the same time just annoying because of all the waiting. Finally, as I'm talking to a friend on skype, I get a call telling me my application would be accepted, and to just wait. And, obviously you know the rest.

The amount of people I've met here is just amazing, and I love everyone who has ever been a decent friend. The people in this community are simply amazing, sometimes so much so that we argue, but what's a good family/community without a little arguing?

Anyway, ask me things if you want, I won't hesitate. I'll start tagging people when I get on a PC.


Nov 28, 2012
Reaction score
Neuf, je suis dans septiene annee a l'ecole

Sorry for no accents I'm on mobile and I might get some stuff wrong I'm not great at French.
10 années pour moi, maos c'est mon dernier année. Au 10ieme année je va dans le program "IB" dans anglais. Le program c'est plus avancé.


District 13
Sep 1, 2012
Reaction score
Je parle le français aussi! Je suis dans neuvième année!

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