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A thread dedicated to the Staff

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Jun 12, 2012
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Thanks ;)

And James.D mods each have their own specialty. Some may not be active on the forums, but are constantly moderating in game. Some might not be too active in game, but are a constant prescense on the forums and TS. People work where they are able to provide the most help, depending on their area of expertise and various other constraints. There are active mods for every section of the MCSG network, and many that are active over multiple sections. So, though I understand where you're coming from (there are quite a few inactive mods), I feel like your comments are rather inaccurate, and quite rude to the many active mods that do read these posts.


District 13
May 27, 2012
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You know he has been one of the first Mod but resigned?
That doesn't make his post any less rude, nor does it invalidate my point.


May 15, 2012
Reaction score
Thanks ;)

And James.D mods each have their own specialty. Some may not be active on the forums, but are constantly moderating in game. Some might not be too active in game, but are a constant prescense on the forums and TS. People work where they are able to provide the most help, depending on their area of expertise and various other constraints. There are active mods for every section of the MCSG network, and many that are active over multiple sections. So, though I understand where you're coming from (there are quite a few inactive mods), I feel like your comments are rather inaccurate, and quite rude to the many active mods that do read these posts.
I believe, correct me if I am wrong you are encouraged to help out and post on the forums, and some/most mods don't.


District 13
Oct 21, 2012
Reaction score

In all seriousness, your estimation of the staff is way off, and borders on defamation.
God... This is probably my favorite Gif you've posted. XD Maybe even my favorite of all time...

And thanks to all the staff who have yelled at me, nearly banned me, or have kicked me over these past few months. I love you all <3


District 13
May 6, 2012
Reaction score
None because they are not active.
*Clears throat*
I'd beg to differ. Just because you, personally, may not have seen a moderator around lately, doesn't mean they aren't online, working elsewhere. They usually won't, and don't have time to reply to every single thread, if that's what you call 'active'.
It's kind of like when people say things like "Fish are people too";
Moderators have lives too!
They can't be on 24/7, while it's expected that they are on frequently, and actively, sometimes things come up in there lives that have a higher priority than MCSG.
"But nothing has a higher priori--"
Let me stop you right there. If your Grandma is incredibly ill, your Uncle died and you need to go to his funeral, those are all of higher importance than MCSG.
If they were inactive so they could play Roxbot with friends, then that's a whole 'nother story.
Life has it's priorities and issues, which you need to understand, rather than loathing the supposed 'inactivity'.

Additionally, like Zeno said, different mods have different 'niches'. Some hang around TeamSpeak, moderating and intercepting any pokes, while others might be actively answering Report Abuse, or snooping around the servers for Hackers.
This is much like Eshan's video he made, showing the supposed 'inactivity' of staff.
The staff cannot simply be everywhere at once. It's as simple as that. There are thousands of servers, and maybe, I don't know, one-hundred moderators?
We'd need ten-times the amount of moderators we have now, which is absurd to think about.

TL;DR~ Read the darn post so you can understand ;)


Nov 29, 2012
Reaction score
Can we please stop arguing about if the staff is active or not. I know you guys are sharing opinions but I don't want this to turn into a flame war.


May 15, 2012
Reaction score
*Clears throat*
I'd beg to differ. Just because you, personally, may not have seen a moderator around lately, doesn't mean they aren't online, working elsewhere. They usually won't, and don't have time to reply to every single thread, if that's what you call 'active'.
It's kind of like when people say things like "Fish are people too";
Moderators have lives too!
They can't be on 24/7, while it's expected that they are on frequently, and actively, sometimes things come up in there lives that have a higher priority than MCSG.
"But nothing has a higher priori--"
Let me stop you right there. If your Grandma is incredibly ill, your Uncle died and you need to go to his funeral, those are all of higher importance than MCSG.
If they were inactive so they could play Roxbot with friends, then that's a whole 'nother story.
Life has it's priorities and issues, which you need to understand, rather than loathing the supposed 'inactivity'.

Additionally, like Zeno said, different mods have different 'niches'. Some hang around TeamSpeak, moderating and intercepting any pokes, while others might be actively answering Report Abuse, or snooping around the servers for Hackers.
This is much like Eshan's video he made, showing the supposed 'inactivity' of staff.
The staff cannot simply be everywhere at once. It's as simple as that. There are thousands of servers, and maybe, I don't know, one-hundred moderators?
We'd need ten-times the amount of moderators we have now, which is absurd to think about.

TL;DR~ Read the darn post so you can understand ;)
Why bother reading something this long if everything you stated has been said in under a sentence.
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