Team Leader: Carson252
Team Members (Minecraft Usernames): 1125the, cade_myers, spike1126, Carson252
Alternates if you have any (are not required):
Skype Names along with their Minecraft Usernames: themc1125the, cade.myers2, spike.bubble, and imkatnisse
Time Zones for your team (and any alternates if you have any): Me and spike = Est. Cade = Pacific. Kat = central
Do you AND your team fully understand the rules for race for the wool? : Yes
Will you (or anyone on your team) be recording (if so, what is your YouTube channel)? : Yes and you got the link to my channel a bit ago
Are you actually committed to being there at the given time and date ready to play? (Times of the matches will be decided closer to the event): Yes If I'm not I will tell you before.
I, Carson, accept the notion that I will be ready to participate in the event on May 11th. I also know that I need keep a stable form of communication with one of the event leaders (Tree_TheBigKind, Ninetailefox92, or Gameraider). I acknowledge that not following any rules or guidelines will result in an immediate removal of BOTH myself AND my team from the event.