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How To Take Out Teams. My tip guide.


Dec 15, 2012
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Hey guys, Blitz here and we're back with another Tip guide (First one I've done but screw logic). So today I will be sharing my tips on how to kill teams. And since I would consider myself an B student in MCSG terms ;), I have a few that are game changing, so let us get started.

Pro Tip #1. Flint and Steel. Okay, the first tip is pretty obvious, but it is a deciding factor in killing these guys, okay. So practice PvP'ing using it, such as when you are running do a quick turn around, light them on fire, and continue running. And hopefully one of them will run to water so you can pick off the other.

Pro Tip #2. Do not go in water, I repeat Don't! It can be helpful in some cases but know when not too. For example if one of them is just trying to hit you into a wall while you are running with a fishing rod, he obviously can boost his buddy too.
Or if one of them took a couple bow shots at you then don't as well. But in some cases, say you have 40 arrows and a boat. If you are a good sniper boat away, hop out and just pick them off, simple enough tactic.

Pro Tip #3. Make sure you have an escape route before you charge in there. For example on SolarFrost, if you are taking a team in corn, plan something out such as bum rushing the lava parkour and turning on them and hitting them in. Once again simple enough to do.

Pro Tip #4. Try to practice with a bow/Fishing rod. Both of these tools can be game changers, so practice with them, you might be able to get the fishing rod stun down and have a huge advantage over some bk randys.

Pro Tip #5. Make sure your gear is okay. Now what I mean by that is if you have a wood axe and leather boots, don't take on a team with stone swords. Simple enough :p.

Pro Tip #6. Don't take corn if here's a stacked team in the game. This can also be a HUGE game decider. What I mean, is if you are on SG4, and he team takes spawn, go to every other tier 2 you know of, and get some better loot before you face them.

Pro Tip #7.By @Spike11- Isolation. Run away until one of them decides to stop, and kill the other. And then it's a 1v1

Pro Tip #8. By @Matt_The_Dreamer ? - Kill them.

That is all I can think of this late at night :p. if any of you have any other tips, comment them and I will be sure to add them on. IDEA-@E m a m y l e s


Jan 5, 2013
Reaction score
My plan when I see teams: Take risks. I'm really good with risks.


District 13
Nov 12, 2012
Reaction score
Mine is to get one of them to chase you while the other one does something else, kill them, regen, go back for the other one


Dec 15, 2012
Reaction score
Mine is to get one of them to chase you while the other one does something else, kill them, regen, go back for the other one
I didn't add that because it's a pretty obvious tactic. Just kill one and run away. :p
Edit: I get what you're saying now. I was actually planning on that being #2. I forgot :p

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