I'm getting the feeling you are a complete idiot Dudeazombie. The monthly total pay is at least $1000, obviously you don't play often enough. I see donors every! The day before yesterday I saw at least 3 different gold donors, 1 diamond donor and over 10 different iron donors! That's about 3 games, which isn't much.
$1-2 probably wouldn't be enough to run the servers. Most people that haven't paid but want to pay haven't donated because they don't have Paypal or whatever paying system they use here. Others of us haven't paid because we are too young to have a credit card or have our own money to pay for things on online games.
A full time payment would be kind of stupid, because to make it worth it, I would assume it has to be like $30-50. Maybe more. Some people don't keep that kind of money extra.
This idea just doesn't make sense to me and most others.
As you've probably noticed, pretty much all of us disagree with you. So don't call the community retarded when you are the odd one out yourself.
sorry. it's just as annoying when you wait that long, just to die without getting anything because people have memorized the map and already have full armor and weapons. is there a way you coould make loot random? and lessen the weapons and armor given by ALOT. maybe make leather be the only armor, aside from a single set of chain mail?
That's completely off topic, if you want to suggest that go make a new thread for it.