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Amzela's Story


May 7, 2012
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Hello everybody.
For those who don't know me, which is probably a lot of you, I am Amzela, a long time ex-moderator of MCSG. Yes, I am no longer a moderator, even though I have moderated these lovely servers for three months shy of a year. Why? I guess I'll explain that later. And yes, this is the first real post that I have done in a long time.
I might as well start this story. That's what you guys are all here for, right? And yes, this story is long.

Who am I? Not a lot of people actually know. But I can tell you my story is not a simple one. Nor it is an easy one. No story really is. As like all stories, there is a beginning. And maybe there is an end, but right now that to be seen.
Before I even heard of MCSG, I was a roleplayer. I drew, I typed, but I wasn't really the one on the computers that often; my sister was. And for that reason I sometimes met some very interesting people, but I still wasn't that often on Minecraft. And then finally a friend convinced me to buy the game because he wanted me to play with him while I was gone from school. A way to communicate when we were lonely.
And so I bought Minecraft. And slowly, I fell in love with it. My sister ended up naming the account, under her iconic name as Amzela. Now lets move onto the MCSG part.

I found MCSG around early May due to some people talking on a small server that I moderated known as Perpetual Craft, as MCSG was just starting to take off. I hopped on the server, US2, if I remember correctly, and was enthusiastic about the Hunger Games-esque style. I enjoyed the books quite a bit. Almost immediately after the countdown, I was killed by another player.
My expression was just...D= But that kept me to play more and more games, try to hone my skills that I never processed in PVP. Did I get any better in PVP for the whole entire year that I have played these servers? No. But did I have fun? Definitely.
My life took a turn around my 20-30th game. A few days ago, I managed to install Teamspeak and began chatting with a few people, hopping from channel to chat with others. As I joined the servers, I began to notice different colored names, distinguishing different ranks. I recognized the silvers and golds, and the occasional salmon that came on the servers telling us to follow the rules. Never the one to break rules, I complied. But one day, this dark red (according to the people in chat, couldn't tell I'm colorblind) guy named Favorlock hopped on the server. People literally swarmed him with questions, asking why he was red, what rank he was and, once they discovered his rank, they asked him all sorts of other questions regarding releases and etc. And so I asked one question, just out of simple curiosity, about chests.
Favorlock answered my question, but then replied by asking if I was my sister, using her real name. I just froze. And the first thought that came to my mind was "THIS GUY IS A STALKER. WHAT THE POTATO. HOW THE POTATO DOES HE KNOW MY SISTER." Only a few moments later did I realize I knew this Favorlock.
I will admit here I am extremely lucky, meeting the right guy at the right time.
And somehow, in all the shenanigans, I became a moderator of MCSG. And I met plenty of awesome, amazing people.

As a moderator, I felt that I did a good job helping out the community. I met plenty of people and earned my reputation as the "Worst Staff Player in MCSG" due to my lack of skills, despite PVP stars like SomeMugger, Sixzoseven, and G33ke trying to teach me how to PVP. Yet their skills and teaching never did stick and sometimes, I feel a little bad. x3
I had my share of bans, but I quickly learned that moderating on a large community meant being more creative. Thinking outside the box can keep the community happier and healthier. And that's what I loved about this community; thinking outside the box. I played on MCSG for several hours each week, the hours ticking by, but every moment was worth it, despite the occasional bumps and scratches, especially when our Teamspeak just flopped on its face once. And for once, I felt that I was part of something that grew and prospered, and I felt that I was helping instead of being a bystander. But you know what guys, being a normal player is awesome too. xD
This fun spread into my friends, as I became the one begging my friends to join a game over and over again, a choice that I won't regret.

Then a sickness came back up in my life. Something that made it incredibly hard to breathe, and I was gone on hiatuses over and over for various medical reasons. MCSG enabled an escape from my sometimes bleak reality, but I felt I wasn't doing my job as a good moderator; missing meetings, not answering questions, and just being plain inactive. I loved the games, and I loved all the friends that I met on the server, but after much deliberating, I stepped down from my position just around the same time G33ke stepped down. And now I am a happy cookie. Will I apply for moderator again? That depends on what the future holds for me.

There are so many people that I met on these servers that I have to thank. And I'm grateful for this community, even as it changes. I feel that this community still prospers long after I left.
Thank you for reading. This is my story.


May 7, 2012
Reaction score
brilliantly written and such a nice story. I hope that sickness you mentionned isn't anything serious.
Keep on being a happy cookie! :)


Jul 18, 2012
Reaction score
I feel a lack of carrots in this story. I'm jk it was great. Like slimed said, hope the sickness isn't too bad :)


Oct 15, 2012
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Amzela the rant master ;D . Good to have you on another community

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