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I wish Id get paid for every time I say thishaha guys just leave we have a clear winner here
Sup buddeh!Ohairdur
I forgot this place for a while. Good to be backSup buddeh!
Yeah I forgot it for a while too XDI forgot this place for a while. Good to be back
How has your day been my Argentinian buddyYeah I forgot it for a while too XD
Pretty good! Been sick since thursday with conjunctivitis, but Im fine now so tomorrow Im going to school again (not sure how I feel about that -_- XD)How has your day been my Argentinian buddy
Good, school is boring but I don't mind. I just speak to friendsPretty good! Been sick since thursday with conjunctivitis, but Im fine now so tomorrow Im going to school again (not sure how I feel about that -_- XD)
How was your day my Brittish buddy?