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#TheLegends [EU] EliteClan

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Jul 7, 2012
Reaction score
It says you have 323 wins :O
Sorry but there are two reasons for declining you:
Some of our Member dislike you (I wont call any names)
There are so many accusations of you hacking - Really I everone is telling me your hacking and I thought it by myself aswell, as I fought you.


Sep 26, 2012
Reaction score
Two people clanhopped after 3 or so days of being in Netherians...ew :(


I would love to join this clan but 140 wins isn't enough... Unfortunately.

Requirements : Two hundred wins, NO exceptions...


Dec 30, 2012
Reaction score
How old are you? (Atleast 13): 15
What is your ingame name?
What should we call you? (First name or a nickname): Zana
Skype/TS name? Ts: Zanaboss Skype: zana2635
How many wins do you have? 162
When did you start playing MCSG? 1 year and a half
How often are you playing? 5-7 hour per day (not kidding)
What is your PvP strenghts? Block-hit, Sword, bow, Flint n steel, Get gank 4v1, Water pvp.
What is your PvP weakness? Lighting from Deatchmatch.. Aka Deatchmatch
Why do you want to be a Legend? Wanna get new Teammates, and Have fun :)
What is your favourite map? Sg Japan, Sg4, Breeze Island, Teweran Sg.


District 13
May 19, 2012
Reaction score
How old are you? (Atleast 13) : 15
What is your ingame name? Zanaboss
What should we call you? (First name or a nickname): Zana
Skype/TS name? TS : Zanaboss Skype: Zana2635
How many wins do you have? 162
When did you start playing MCSG? 1 year
How often are you playing? 7-9 per day (not kidding)
What is your PvP strenghts? Bow, Sword, Close sword fights, Flint n steel, Water pvp, get gank 4v1.
What is your PvP weakness? Lighting From Deatchmatch, Aka deatchmatches...
Why do you want to be a Legend? want to make new friends., Wanna play some great Teambattles. wanna have some new Teammates. And have Fun :)
What is your favourite map? Survival Games Ancient Japan, Sg4, Breeze Island, teweran sg
Declined! As you do not meet the win requierment of 200 wins, No exceptions!
Come back when you have 200 wins.
How old are you? (Atleast 13)14
What is your ingame name?nicolaigk1
What should we call you? (First name or a nickname)Nick
Skype/TS name?nicolaigk3 (skype)
How many wins do you have? (Atleast 200)399
When did you start playing MCSG?1 year ago but active for 3 months
How often are you playing?everyday
What is your PvP strenghts?sword, and flint n steel
What is your PvP weakness?Bow.
Why do you want to be a Legend?Cus i know a lot here, and i just want to say im not hacking, Ps guy_chaos knows im not bryne do too and elgoldo too. I like this clan, cus its a serious clan.
What is your favourite map?SG4 and SG2

Declined! As we have had you in the clan before, and we got hack accusations, And our members dont like you. (I wont name any of them)
How old are you? (Atleast 13)12 Nearly 13
What is your ingame name?minialan9
What should we call you? (First name or a nickname)Alan
Skype/TS name?alan.rafferty4
How many wins do you have? (Atleast 200)520 4000 bounty
When did you start playing MCSG? half a year ago
How often are you playing?alot but not everyday
What is your PvP strenghts?Flint and steel and bows
What is your PvP weaknesses? Straight on sword fights but im not that bad and massive teams
Why do you want to be a Legend?Thats a stupid question its pretty obvious you guysa are the best clan :D
What is your favourite map? Solar Frost
Declined! As you do not meet the age requirement of 13 years old.
Come back when you are 13!


Mar 6, 2013
Reaction score
How old are you? (Atleast 13) 12
What is your ingame name? SkeletonBoss
What should we call you? (First name or a nickname) Daniel
Skype/TS name? lanning.daniel (Skype)
How many wins do you have? (Atleast 150) 567
When did you start playing MCSG? october
How often are you playing? a bit less than i use to
What is your PvP strenghts? Bows swords and flint n steel
What is your PvP weakness? Lag or getting conection loss
Why do you want to be a Legend? Bcuz this clan is the best clan in the world
What is your favourite map: Solar Frost
I probs wont get accepted but i really wanna join :)


Jul 7, 2012
Reaction score
How old are you? (Atleast 13) 12 in 2 days
What is your ingame name? SkeletonBoss
What should we call you? (First name or a nickname) Daniel
Skype/TS name? lanning.daniel (Skype)
How many wins do you have? (Atleast 150) 567
When did you start playing MCSG? october
How often are you playing? a bit less than i use to
What is your PvP strenghts? Bows swords and flint n steel
What is your PvP weakness? Lag or getting conection loss
Why do you want to be a Legend? Bcuz this clan is the best clan in the world
What is your favourite map: Solar Frost
I probs wont get accepted but i really wanna join :)
It says you only may be in one Clan but in your Sgnature it says: Owner of SkeltonArmy...


Sep 26, 2012
Reaction score
How old are you? (Atleast 13) 12 in 2 days
What is your ingame name? SkeletonBoss
What should we call you? (First name or a nickname) Daniel
Skype/TS name? lanning.daniel (Skype)
How many wins do you have? (Atleast 150) 567
When did you start playing MCSG? october
How often are you playing? a bit less than i use to
What is your PvP strenghts? Bows swords and flint n steel
What is your PvP weakness? Lag or getting conection loss
Why do you want to be a Legend? Bcuz this clan is the best clan in the world
What is your favourite map: Solar Frost
I probs wont get accepted but i really wanna join :)
Not old enough ;c
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