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My Poetry - Everyday


Mar 17, 2013
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So......I mentioned I was a poet in a past thread, and I made a poem about depression a while ago. So I wanted to share it. Hope you like it :3

Everyday, we all think the simple fact in which everyone is the same. We do not hesitate to think even for a second, 'Is that person surrounded in shame?' We all sense it, but choose to ignore it because we are afraid of the outcome. But there are also people that do not care even for a second. The people that created names for everyone to hear and take. Names that shred hate and help people fade away from reality to darkness. Is it fate? When one boy is sentenced for life in a school that makes him think he's isolated? Or that girl that realizes her boyfriend is just a 'fake', that does the most despicable things behind her back. Everyday, they will shred a tear. A tear that will splash to something that might last forever. It will splash to sadness and depression. Because they walk upon the halls of their schools in which they are targeted for no reason. It's an unfortunate fact that happens nowadays. It's something so common that it will never break; there will always be that person with the paper on his back tagging: 'Fat'. We were all born from a single tree. Growing to become something bigger than we'd all expect it to be. It grows with leaves and happiness. But..one leaf has to fall down. It's the circle of life that comes without warning. It's the same story when you walk towards the mirror in which you stare and hate. Because you think that everything is falling apart, just like a single tear drop that splashes to become nothing. The mirror cracks and melts away while you run for eternity, but for what gain? Therefore, you choose to give up and die on the lonely lane. Though, deep in your heart, you feel something that runs and runs like a train. It's a train that will never stop because it's the soul that you can never give up. It will never die. Instead, it will fight everything that gets in it's way. Everyday of every second, it will run and run with no stop for a break. It's the part of your brain that says to you; 'Everything will be okay.' It's the inspiration that dictates your fate. Not the boys and girls that say otherwise. Not the names or identities given to you. Fate isn't made by those around you; but the heart and soul that faces you. And that is stronger than anything anyone will hope to create.​

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